Friday, June 10, 2011

"We The People"

In our Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson wrote these words, "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"We hold these truths' to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends. It is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."

It went on to say, "but when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security." It ended with these words, "and for the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our live, our fortunes and our sacred honor." Where are men like that today?

The preamble of the Constitution states, "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare [not give the social program of welfare. Not the same thing], and to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Those words from our founding documents were paid for with the fortunes, blood, and lives of our founding fathers. These great gentleman then willed them to us, "We the People", expecting us to protect and cherish them as vigilantly as they did. They were guarded for us through the lean years of the infancy of our nation with the toil and sweat of other like minded patriots. Abraham Lincoln said at Gettysburg, "...that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth." We have let that "new birth of freedom" slip away, we did not heed the warning of Mr. Lincoln. Now with an immoral abuse of power our progressive government along with its liberal cohorts have rendered those words, which was paid so dearly for, useless.

"We the people" placed our trust in this government to serve us, to represent us, and to preserve and uphold our values. Instead they oppose our values at every turn, they represent nobody but their own interests and that of the high priced lobbyist, and they expect and even demand that the people serve them. Ronald Reagan said, "we are a nation that has a government- not the other way around."

We have all heard the echo of these words of Abraham Lincoln when he said that this is a "government of the people, by the people, and for the people." Truth be told, it hasn't been such a government for many years. Lately the only thing this government of, for, and by the people has done for "we the people" is to sell us down the river.

"We the people" have allowed this government to become the controlling force in our lives and to guide our destiny in exchange for some trinkets' of gold. At the cost of our rights and our freedom and through our laziness, greed, and stupidity we have allowed the government of, by, and for the people to dictate to us the way we should live and to erase those willed words from our memory.

Not one of us our innocent, we are all guilty of a great sin. We have sat idly by and allowed the most precious of gems slip through our fingers, more precious than any diamond or pearl or even platinum or gold. That is the gem of our self-determination, freedom, and rights. They have been sacrificed to the progressive agenda and surrendered to the liberal revolution. Aung san Suu Kyi, a jailed Burmese activist, said, "it is not that we see democracy through the haze of optimism. We know democracy is a jewel that must be polished constantly to maintain its luster. To prevent it from being damaged or stolen, democracy must be guarded with unremitting vigilance."

Our great sin is our silence. Hilaire Belloc said, "it is for the oppressed to protest and rebel." Those words go hand in hand with these words of John Adams, "the true source of our suffering is our timidity." Through our inaction we must pay for the progressive bunglings of this government with our money, with our liberty, and often times with our lives.

"We the people" have been disenfranchised and forgotten. The wrongs perpetrated against us by our own government are too much, they have went too far, the cuts are to deep. You can't put a band-aid on a sucking chest wound. It is time for "we the people" to stand up and shout with one voice "enough!" It is time to right these wrongs of our government and regain our national honor and dignity. It is time for us to claim our inheritance, willed to us by our founding fathers and to use that God-given right to protest and rebel.   SKKFKS5VNKG2

One of those founders, Dr. Benjamin Rush said, "there is nothing more common than to confound the terms of the American Revolution with those of the late American war. The American war is over; but this is far from being the case with the American Revolution. On the contrary, nothing but the first act of the great drama is closed." The curtain fell on the second act in 1865 and we have been stuck in an intermission for almost 150 years. With the progressive "axis powers" trying to raise that curtain, it is time for "we the people" to continue the struggle our founders started and raise that final curtain on the third and final act of our great national drama. We must finish our American Revolution with the expressed goal of regaining our great nation from the clutches of progressivism and to once and for all make this a true "government of the people, by the people and for the people" instead of in spite of the people.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


"Appeasement is the hope that the crocodile will eat you last."
Winston Churchill

George Hagel said, "the one thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history." Those words were never so true as when it comes to appeasement. The only thing that appeasement has ever done is to give your enemy more time to prepare. Karl von Clausewitz said, "The more time you give your enemy to prepare, the more it will cost you when you finally attack." The cost may be too high though.

Appeasement is only the first step in a long and dreadful journey. You give into their first demand and it leads to just one more over and over again. Before you realize it they are in your own backyard. We are going down that appeasement road once again. The progressive agenda and those who push it want to raise the white flag in the war on terror (Yes, even with the Obama call on bin Laden) and to the nations around the world that hate us. They want to talk with them and cut just one more deal. They don't realize why these people are even at the table. They are there because it makes them look strong to bring the worlds super power to the bargaining table. Then take another look at the above quote on von Clausewitz.

When you appease and refuse to stand up, you end up like Neville Chamberlain selling out nation after nation to Hitler and the NAZI's. An act that cost not only Great Britain, but the world untold lives, property and treasure in hopes to appease a man that had no desire for peace. Just like the enemy's we face today, they only want our destruction. We could give into their every demand, and we would still be hated and attacked. We are only prolonging the battle and making them cost more in lives and material. These battles will keep right on coming and if we don't do something they will prove devastating to us. Never doubt for a second that these terrorists aren't coming either and all we are doing is throwing out the red carpet.

Just like the old saying goes, "give them an inch and they will take a mile." The thing is we don't have a mile to give. Besides, it isn't the appeaser mile to give. It is ours! It is time for us to act like it belongs to us, and defend it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

P.C. Society

“We can not sacrifice our national identity, our national heritage, and our national honor on the dual alters of multi-culturalism and political correctness.”

Edward J. Bates

What happened to the right of free speech?  Does that only apply when you are politically correct?  It isn’t supposed to be like that, but the liberal government and their lap dog media has made it so.  Liberals use to say that “I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight for your right to say it.”  Now these same people attack, degrade, and try to assassinate you character if you disagree.

If you refuse to buy into their politically correct views on society, they will go as far as to take your job, or even your freedom.  They have things turned upside down.  Freedom of speech applies to the smut dealers who corrupt our children, but does not apply to a preacher talking about God?  They make heroes of people like Louis Farrakhan and Reverend Jeremiah Wright who spout their hate, and demonize David, Duke, and Matthew Hale for preaching their brand of hate.  They are all the same, just at other ends of the spectrum.  Allow them all to preach what they will, let the people decide if they want to listen to them or not.  The First Amendment gives them the right to be wrong, or even stupid or objectionable.  Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “If there is any principle of the constitution that imperatively calls for attachment than any other, it is the principle of free thought, no free thought for those who agree with us, but free thought for the thought that we hate.”  It matters nothing if it is stupid or flat out wrong, you shouldn’t be able to stop it, nor should you want to.  If your side is so right it should not matter how many people stand against you, your rightness should shine through.  Could it be you are trying to suppress what is right in order to keep control?

Just like 1984, you either tote the party line or you will pay.  How dare you speak you mind!  When you speak it they will tell you things like, “Nobody else complained,” or, “You’re the only one who feels that way.”  Then if you don’t relent, then you are attacked.  Don’t you know these people deserve your special treatment?  They are special, they are black, they are women, or they are gay.  Don’t say a word against it.  If you do you are a racist.

What?  You don’t agree with Affirmative Action?  Then you are a racist.  You don’t want women in certain jobs?  Then you have to be sexist.  You don’t like the idea of gay marriage?  You must be a homophobe.

Let’s not look at the facts that the people was not qualified to hold them jobs or that it goes completely against everything your morals and your religion stands for.  You are not supposed to look at those feelings.  Only racist do that.  Good party people are like dead fish going with the flow.

This religion of multi-culturalism, tolerance, and political correctness is nothing but cultural suicide.  So go ahead and let them take you identity, your heritage, and your pride and become the politically correct pansy they want you to be. 

Liberalism: Its Ills, Evils, Lies, and Loyal Allies

America became a country that benefited from the blending of cultures, but we are, or at least was, America first and foremost.   That was the miracle of our nation. 

We could have been best described as a diverse people with a shared ideal of freedom; we represent a variety of nationalities, but are one nation; we have many voices, but one tongue; we are Americans.  That veritable melting pot that turned us from the many to one. 

We are now better described as a junk pile, with each part keeping its own distinct shape and function that ends up working against the greater good.  Instead of coming together in that melting pot to be forged into that unbreakable steel to protect our nation, we allowed them to keep us separate, weak, and unstable.

These liberals are hell bent on destroying the very fabric of our culture, which is the melting pot, in order to destroy our American history, which they call a myth, which holds us together. 

They pile on top of us a collective guilt that says we are oppressors of _____________.  (Fill in the blank.)  So now we must make it up by giving what we have, in order to form their utopian fantasy of a multi-cultured society they know is unreachable.  Their rue quest is simple.  It’s power.

General Douglas Macarthur said, “The great threat in what is presently called communism, the imperialistic tendency or lust for power that squeezes out every one of the freedoms which we value so greatly.”  He meant that this threat has been around for some time, just under a different name, and it is still around.  Today the greatest threat is liberalism, which really isn’t that far from communism.  Think about it.  Liberalism’s half brother is socialism, and the first cousin to socialism is none other than communism.  It is not much of a leap from liberalism to communism.  It’s barely a hop.

There are two things that liberalism will never allow or tolerate, they are unchecked individualism and to be left alone.  These so called lovers of free thinking, of free speech  are only so loving and understanding when you agree with them.  For those who preach tolerance so rabidly, are the least tolerant when you disagree with them.  Rather 1984-ish, does two plus two still equal four?

What is really scary is it doesn’t matter how many disagree with them.  They can do what they choose.  What they can’t win in the ballot box they will force through the courts.  Now with them in total control of every branch of government it will get worse.

The liberal agenda is fairly simple.  They, and their lap dogs in the media and in education, are going to stay their course.  They have no opposition.  So they can keep right on stealing out nation blind and molesting the Statue of Liberty all the while explaining to the sheep that they are working and sacrificing for them.  They are doing what is best for you, knowing you can’t do that for yourself.  They are protecting you from yourself and the evils of this world they want to appease.  Why people believe this bull is beyond comprehension.  They believe every word these liberals say. Whatever happened to the notion of trusting yourself?  Who are these people to make your decisions?  They don’t even know you, how then do they know what you need?  Don’t you want self-determination?  Don’t you want to live your won life, spend your own money and control your own destiny?  Don’t you want freedom?

Wake up, America!     

Rip The Band-aid Off

Do you remember when you were a kid and you very slowly tried to pull off a stuck band-aid and it hurt far worse than when your mother just ripped it off quickly? All you were doing was prolonging the agony, but somehow you just didn't see it that way and kept on doing it. I still catch myself to this day slowly peeling it off, like it will hurt less. That's exactly what we are doing with this country, slowly pulling the band-aid away.

As I look at the field of the present republican candidates for president and those in Congress, those who we are hoping to place our trust in to save our nation, I am not very reassured. Most are nothing but democrat light and those that are not are not just being attacked by the democrats and their lapdog media, but the elitist progressive republicans as well who are afraid to lose their status, and who would take us to the same destination as Barrack Obama and the democrats just a little slower.

I am almost to the point of ripping of this countries band-aid. How? Let the progressives have it, it wouldn't take much for them to run our beloved nation into the ground. Heck, they have almost done that already with all the progressive bungling of the last two administrations. Pull a "John Galt" on them and stop the engine of the world. Just get out of the way and let them run the show, implementing all the social programs they can think of. Within 5-10 years when this nation falls from lack of other peoples money and other peoples protection, we can step in and rebuild our nation under the constitutional principles that served us so well for many years.

Just like lots of us conservatives argued against TARP and the other bailouts and stimulus bills, there is no such thing as "too big to fail", not even for America. If a bank fails, another bank, a solvent bank would step in to take its place. It would work the same way with the auto companies. Do you really thin GM and Chrysler would disappear? No. They would reorganize and if they couldn't, someone would buy them thinking they could make a better car cheaper. Just like Roger Penske wanted to do with Saturn, but the government got in the way. Sure it may have hurt for a little while, but it would have been quick. Then we could have started on recovery. Just Like Calvin Coolidge did with the depression of 1920. He let it reset and it didn't turn into the great depression (Which was only a great depression in America) like the next one did when Franklin D Roosevelt thought it best to prolong the agony by slowly pulling the band-aid off. Sadly we are repeating FDR's model, and not Coolidge, and it will turn out the same way. Bad.

Do you think it could work? Could we just pull away? Ayn Rand sure gave a convincing argument. It sounds awful tempting, but none of us will do it. Why? Because we are Americans and that means we are fighters and will fight tooth and nail to save the country we love. Even if we are riding into Balaclava with 599 others. We are that soldier that can't help sticking his head over the berm to see if they are using live ammo. I hope they aren't very good shots.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Is Weiner-Gate A Distraction?

Do you think for the last week or so that this story has been there to distract your attention? It sure seems that whenever these all consuming stories hit that lots of stuff goes under the radar. Just like now, have you heard that China is dumping our debt at an alarming rate? It seems that our friendly neighborhood banker no longer wants to loan us money, not only that, but is calling in their marker. Where are we going to get the money? Print it? Yeah, and the news keeps giving us the Obama mantra, our economy is on the mend. Why haven't we heard this from our great news sources? What does China know that our government hasn't quite figured out yet? Could it be that we our on the same road as Greece, Portugal, and Ireland?


I really don't have all that much to say about the subject. I have more to say about the media coverage. That is all they have covered since the press conference, like it is the only thing in the world right now. Really? Breaking News? Come on CNN and the rest of the media. Are you really surprised? Everybody else was not shocked.


"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."
                                                                                              John F. Kennedy

President Kennedy would be very disappointed in his family and his party (which today he would almost be considered a conservative) for perverting his message. A message that inspired a generation to get involved and to volunteer. They volunteered for numerous organizations, but especially President Kennedy's own creations. Such as the Peace Corps, but they also joined his military creations of the Special Forces or "Green Berets" and the Navy SEALs. The volunteered for these groups to make their country and the world a better place.

Now the party he belonged to no longer promotes people to ask "how can I help?", but to ask "what's in it for me?" Our society no longer strives for the greater good of their community or even their family. They are too self-absorbed and worried over their own lives and happiness. These people that invokes JFK's name so regularly, would never dream of joining any of his creations. It may cause them to actually have to do some work and nothing to be in it for them except the satisfaction of achievement.

John Adams said, "our obligations to our country never cease, but with our lives." We must regain those ideals of sacrifice that both President Adams and President Kennedy spoke so eloquently of. No matter who you are or where you are from we must be willing to sacrifice our money, our ease, our honor, and our lives for the good of our nation. To right our present course and place us back on the path of greatness. It is our destiny, it is our duty.

So ask proudly, "what can I do for my country?"

A Dog's Tail

"How many legs does a dog have, if you call a tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
                                                                                                        Abraham Lincoln

Have you ever noticed how the progressives, past and present, disguise who they are and what they do by calling it something it isn't. Like when progressivism was flat out rejected by the American people in the early 20th century, instead of quitting and changing an unwanted platform, they simply changed their name. They called themselves liberals, but this tail trying to pass itself off as leg is nothing but progressive socialism.

Norman Thomas, an early Socialist leader and presidential candidate said, "the American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, the will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until America will one day be a socialist nation without knowing how it happened." These words were spoken almost 100 years ago. Do you think he ever thought his plan would be as successful as it is today?

It's not just their names either, they change the names of their actions and programs as well. Anything but calling it what it really is, because they know that the American people will reject it if they call a spade a spade. They call illegal aliens, undocumented workers. They call terrorists, freedom fighters. They call communists, freedom lovers. They have renamed our Republic (which it was referred to as until they came on the scene), a democracy. As a previous piece said, they call limiting ones choices, helping them make better choices. The list is endless and it is ridiculous, even going as far as President Obama calling his war in Libya, a kinetic military action (just what the heck is that, anyway?). Do you think the people on the receiving end of those bombs know the difference?

You can call these things all the high sounding words you want, but they are what they are. Like Lincoln said just calling it something else doesn't make it so. They are simply progressive socialists implementing their programs and redistributing other peoples wealth. It doesn't matter how well meaning the programs are. Ronald Reagan said, "these programs may have come from a good heart, but not a clear head. The costs have been staggering." Staggering both in wealth and in freedom.

Reagan and Lincoln both knew, that no matter how many times you call it a leg, if it is wagging it's a tail.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The American Madrase

"The blows that do the dramatic side of the work - the big sudden blows that come or seem to come from the outside - the ones you remember and blame things on and in moments of weakness tell your friends about, don't show their effects at once.  These is another sort of blow from within - that you don't feel until you realize with finality that in some regard you will never be as good a man again.  The first sort of breakage seems to happen quickly - The second happens almost without your knowing it, but is realized suddenly indeed."

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Americans have been led to believe that the threat of radical Islam only comes from overseas.  This couldn't be further from the truth.  Their is an ever growing threat that poses a clear and present danger to our country and our way of life and it comes in the form of our very own bastardized version of radical Islam.  It comes in the guise of the American Muslim community and their red-headed stepchildren of the Black Muslim Nationalists such as Nation of Islam, American Muslim Mission, and The Moorish Science Temple.  All of which have earned their stripes, claim their roots and their many converts in the halls of our state and Federal Prison Systems.  Their very own madrases spread throughout America.

Their ranks are exploding and they use their time in prison to radicalize further.  It is nothing less than their very own breeding ground for hate and homegrown terror.  It is also where they have managed a triple threat liken no other.  This tripartite past is between radical Islam, the gangbanger philosophy, and the illegal alien thrown in for good measure.  (Which is another story in itself.)

They actively seek out those with any kind of special knowledge.  The want to learn all they can from anyone they can, no matter their race.  If they have what they want they will use them.  They will look for special skills such as any military knowledge, martial arts, scuba, electronics, architecture, chemicals, weapons, medical, etc.  Anything that will help them.  If they can't find a convert or at least a willing teacher they will seek that knowledge in books.  They also take full advantage of useful trade schools offered inside like H.V.A.C., carpentry, electrician, etc.  If it will aid their goal they are trying to learn it.  What is that goal?  The same goal of all radical Islamist, "The Destruction of America And All She Stands For!"

Ironically, at the same time they are plotting the destruction of America they are taking full advantage of the very rights and freedoms they are trying to destroy.  Sadly our very culture and politically correct society has allowed these things to rise to the level we are at now.

Never believe for a second that these folks aren't dangerous, because they are Americans.  The President's friend William Ayres is an American.  Timothy McVeigh was an American.  The Times Square Bomber was American, al-walaki in Yemen is American.  They hate with as much vigor as their radical cousins in the Middle East.  It may be for different reasons, but the hate of America is the same.  Sure they may not be willing to die for their cause, but never doubt that they aren't willing to kill for it.  Nor would they find fault in helping or joining groups like The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and even Al Queda, or many of their front groups and supporters all over America.

You hear their diatribes daily on just how bad this country is, while at the same time praising repressive regimes like Saudi Arabia, where they too would be considered an infidel for the way they act.  You hear them praising Shia Law and how even though they themselves couldn't live under it want to bring it to America.   You hear them praise the terrorist anc curse and condemn The American soldier that gives them the very right to do so.

Funny thing is, that no matter how much help they have, or how many books on Islam they read, they are still far too western, too American - hence looked down upon by the Islamists.  So if they ever get their wish and America falls to Islam, they will be purged just like the rest of us infidels.