Thursday, September 15, 2011

Who Is The Subversives?(2011)

You hear all the time from the progressives of both parties just how dangerous and un-American the TEA Party is. On how they are extremely disrespectful to President Obama and the office which he holds(from the same folks that demonized George W. Bush at every turn. Calling him a murderer, thief and even comparing him to Hitler.). They have railed against Governor Rick Perry and Sarah Palin for using words like treasonous, as they accuse them of being just that. They try to tie the TEA Party with terrorism calling them extremist, out of the mainstream, and accuse them of being subversive.

It's all bunk! Tell me which group is seeking to "fundamentally transform" a nation that only needs restoration? Who are the ones that are un-American and are making a mockery of the oath they have taken? They have all sworn to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States and they have broken that oath. That in turn makes them unfit for the office they hold and it not only nullifies their leadership, but also the validity of the orders which they give. The military oath tells us we must obey the orders of POTUS, but when he has broken his oath(as George Bush and many others also did) he loses his right to give such orders and his ability to command. Besides all of the oaths tells us above all that we must protect and defend the Constitution and when we support those "leaders" that have broken their oath, we break ours too.

We swore to our God to defend our country against all enemies foreign and domestic, and that is just what we should do. Not by the action which they accuse us of, but by voting the bums of both parties out and restoring the nation that we love.

Broken Oath (2006)

For years I have broken the oath I took and I did many things for which I am not proud. I forgot what integrity, responsibility, loyalty, and honor truly meant. I wrote the first of the following pieces sometime in 2005 (when George W. Bush was President) when I reaffirmed the oath I took many years before. I also began to implement that oath fully into my life after Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally on 8/24, 2010. I believe this is something all who have ever taken an oath should do, and for those that have never taken an oath should do so to themselves now.
Semper Fidelis,
Edward Bates

                                                                      Broken Oath(2006)

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God."
                                                                                                       Presidential Oath of Office

"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."
                                                                                                       Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
                                                                                                       Military Oath of Service

These oath's are taken when you are going into government service and they all have two things in common. The first is that when you take them you vow to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." The other commonality is that each and everyone that has ever taken these oaths are at this moment breaking them.

This liberal government, both democrats and republicans, are leading us down the road to socialism with their massive growth of government and nanny state social programs. These things are completely at odds with the Constitution. They often ignored or attempted to circumvent the very document they have vowed to protect. That makes them traitors, but we are no better.

Many of us has sworn to our God that we would defend the Constitution "against all enemies, foreign and domestic." We failed to do this when we sat idly by and allowed these "leaders" to shred the sacred document we vowed to defend. Our inaction makes us as treasonous as their actions.

President Gerald R. Ford said, "our Constitution works. Our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men." President Ford was right our Constitution does work, but it is no longer being used. They interpret it to say what they want it to say to fit their treasonous actions.

They are breaking their oath, let us not be their willing accomplices. We must uphold our oath. To do so, we must stand against this quest for socialism and totalitarianism from both parties. It is our duty to do so.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Time To Go

I have been a hawk for most of my life, but after today even I say it is time for us to go. Our hands are tied so tight by the bureaucrats and politicians that we can't even beat (or should I say they won't allow us to win) a bunch of terrorists, insurgents, and retards. Take the Taliban's attack on the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan on 9/13/2011, they have no clue what the first thing a butter bar learns about economy of force. If you keep letting your best fighters, the ones you train extensively and can't truly afford to lose, to go on suicide missions such as this or allow them to blow themselves up wildly shouting "Allahu akbar" how in the world can you keep your force going. It is patently ridiculous and we are having trouble with these folks. Could it be what CNN said all morning that the Embassy tactic was "duck and cover?" Why? Let the Marines do their jobs. Let them all do their jobs, stop waging war with both hands tied behind your back.

Then on top of all that, recently the Shiite firebrand Muqtada al-Sadr told his militias to stand down and let the Americans go home. He then threw a threat, that if they don't then we restart. Wonder what this guy is going to do with 2/3rds of the country supporting his lunatic ideas and following him blindly, when we do leave? Do you think he will take the country and ally with Iran? No doubt, but nobody is talking about that or doing anything about it. We knew this guy was trouble from the start, but we allowed him to continue to give us fits.

In both case if you are not going to go into an action (and this is Bush as well) with the sole purpose of winning, DO NOT SEND OUR MEN AND WOMEN TO DIE!!!

Pass It Right Away

President Obama's brain trust must have put those words through a test, because if he said them once he said the one hundred times during his campaign speech before Congress. You think he would get tired of saying them, but he has continued to say these words at every stump speech he has given since then. I am surprised he did not manage to get them into his 9/11 address. The thing I was wondering is what is the hurry?

Paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson who said that a if you pass legislation to fast that only the people are hurt, because the proper discussion has not taken place and it should take up to a year for this process to work itself out. Yet President Obama, as well as most other politicians want to pass these things right away. They don't want the bills to get out before hand. As Nancy Pelosi said, "you have to pass the bill to find out what is in the bill."

Another thing is that President Obama is all hammers to hell now, but first he had to go on vacation. Don't you also think that if he had that "laser focus" that he claimed for the first two years of his Administration, that he would have done something, back when his party had control of both chambers of congress(before late Jan. this year). It should have been a breeze to pass then, and this problem was around at that time, but he chose not to. Why? Because it didn't play well then for his reelection, but it sure does now!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Enforce Our Laws

"Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the revolution, never violate in the least particular, the laws of the country; and never tolerate their violation by others."
                                                                                                                          Abraham Lincoln

Our country is facing an epidemic of crime. Jim Nelson Black said, "crime, abuse, and racial violence are exploding, and the law seems powerless to stop the siege of vandalism destroying our cities. Science, education, and law once heralded as pillars of the earthly kingdom has not saved us. Instead they have brought even gloomier vistas of apocalypse."

Making more and more laws are not the answer. They are truly very few new crimes, their are only variations of the same crime. What we need is fewer more easily understood laws, one's which there is no doubt about. One's that give enough punishment, no matter your social class, to deter the person from ever committing it or any crime again.

Ever wonder why there was far less crime in the 1800's(per capita), even in the wild west. It can't be all attributed to the people being more moral and upstanding. There are two other factors which played a key role. The first being that people were armed, you never knew who carried a colt, so you thought twice about robbing them. The second is that the enforced the few laws they had and the were enforced quickly and harshly. This made a cattle rustler think twice if he knew he could be swinging from a tree. Both of these helped to keep crime low.

We should do the same today. If that means racial profiling, so be it. Liberals may harp about it, but just like torture, it works. Tell me where else would an Islamic terrorist hide? I can tell you it won't be at the local Baptist Church. These along with the deterrents spoken of above should do the trick. Between morality, the Colt, strict enforcement, and a whatever it takes attitude and our epidemic just may get cured.