Monday, August 15, 2011

Three Choices

"It is difficult to calculate the consequences of the current appearances;... a sample of this truth may be exhibited in the future establishments of America, and the system of policy that may be adopted by the busy geniuses now plodding over untrodden ground and are more engaged in the fabrication of a strong government that attentive to the ease, freedom, and equal rights of man."
                                                                                                                            Mary Warren

We are once again plowing up fresh dirt on our sacred American field. But who is it we have leading us? Do we have someone concerned for our liberty and freedom or do we have those busy geniuses' playing pied piper?  We all know the answer to that one. This fresh dirt now underfoot is nothing more than a blatant power grab encroaching on powers not given to them. These two administrations, one republican, one democrat and both progressive are buying into banks, insurance and auto makers, along with a outrageous Keynesian stimulus plan and other right stealing strategies.

The big question is are we going to stand idly by and let this fertile field be taken from us or is this to be our Concord?  We Americans have three choices. We can conform, stick our heads in the sand, or take a stand.

Most have clearly chosen the first two. Choosing that path of least resistance, but by choosing that path they have sold out their children's and grandchildren's future. They are leaving their posterity to hold the bag, and an empty bag at that.

We in the third group, who are attempting to make it better for future generations, have a tough row to hoe. The only thing we have going for us is we are right. We know we can't stand idly by and let this theft take place before our very eyes. It is not in our nature. Our parents did that to us, we cannot, must not do the same. It's past time to stand up and take our nation back. To once and for all have self-determination and self-government. We need to tell the powers that be that we are no longer going to pay for their grand plans and bunglings with our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. But we will be more than happy to expend all three in the defense of the nation they are killing.

What Can We Do?

"Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because you will lose your ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism. Confronting your fears and allowing yourself the right to be human can paradoxically make you a far happier and more productive person."
                                                                                                                Dr. David M. Burns

There are many things individuals can do to help our cause, but first and foremost they must check hope at the door. Hope does not lead to success, it leads only to more hope. Rush Limbaugh said, "hope is an excuse for doing nothing." And the conservative movement has had more than enough of nothing.

One of the most important things we can do is to find our voices. We must be unafraid to talk about our beliefs and dreams for this nation. Never be ashamed of your convictions, shout them from the rooftops. Talk to our friends, family, co-workers, and even complete strangers whenever we get the chance about how we feel about your country and the course it is on. Never be afraid to sound stupid or to get on someone's nerves, our country is in too much trouble for that. So stand up there on that soapbox and speak our minds.

We must also take advantage of letters to the editor, message boards, social media, or even starting our own blogs. Anything that can get that true conservative voice of America out there and not that watered down version our politicians espouse to try and win our votes. We can't let the progressives stranglehold on these things hinder us. A great general once said, "if your enemy has a good idea, steal it."

Now on the same note, not only do we need to use any means necessary to get our voices heard on our beliefs, we must also speak against the liberal biases and agendas that are running our country in the dirt and turning it into a third-world communist nation. If you see an editorial or show you don't like tell them about it, let your friends know and let them tell them as well, you can even write a rebuttal yourself. Let them know that if they continue with this one-sided liberal/progressive track then we will no longer buy their newspapers, magazines, or watch their programs. If we stick together, as big as the conservatives are, we can do it, because no matter what money still runs them even if they are communists. There is alternative news sources out there, utilize them.

We can't stop there though. We must organize every conservative you can and have them do the same. The progressives are way ahead of us on this, but we have one thing they don't have. Ours is truly grassroots and not from labor unions. Hit these people where it hurts, their pocket books. No matter how evil they say money is they still want it, it's only evil when it yours, not theirs. So stop buying the products they make, stop buying their music or going to their movies. If we truly believe we will sacrifice these wants for the good of our cause. Who cares if you miss the most hyped movie of the season, it probably wasn't that good anyway. There are plenty of conservative voices out there, you may have to search, but they are there. You can also organize letter and e-mail drives or phone blasts to congressmen. Let them know that you are not happy with their performance and that they need to change their ways or they will be voted out. Don't stop at just one, e-mails are nothing, snail mail is cheap and phone calls are as well, flood their offices with all of them. You don't have to be mean or hateful when you do this, it would be better if you weren't. Be tactful and respectful, but tell them the truth. You can even go as far as boycotting businesses that support the liberal/progressive politicians and their America killing agendas.

Let the whole country from the politicians to businessmen, from community organizations to tax collectors that they are nothing without us. That they serve or they thrive at our leisure. What could they do if we all refused to pay taxes? They couldn't put all of us in jail. Not only could we boycott taxes, we could shutdown the economy. Take a page out of the progressives playbook and start protesting. What would they do if every trucker in the nation stopped where they were, blocking on-ramps and freeways? (Thank you Michael Savage for the idea.) Our boss would understand, especially after the new taxes hit them square in the head, not to mention the new rules and regulations that are soon to be put in place.

All of us can do something. Use your imagination. So what if it fails, the next one might be the best idea since sliced bread. Who cares if we fail one thousand times, if we gain one success of freedom amongst all those failures. Ralph Waldo Emerson said. "do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."

The major thing is that we must not be afraid of hardship and sacrifice. We may have to give up new things and gadgets that make our lives a little easier, but what is that compared to our liberty and our country. We have had it easy for far too long, that is how we ended up here. In life things never work out completely and they always find a way to turn themselves around. So all we really have in life is our family, friends, principles, morals, values, and honor. We have a duty to all of them, they are the only thing of import in the lives that we lead. So could we look them or even ourselves in the eyes and say that we have done all we could, knowing full well we chose the easy path? Take those hardships of simple things like buying locally, if able grow a garden, can our own food, read books instead of watching TV, the list is endless. Compare these minor things to what our founder's and forefather's endured. Compare these things to the men and women that has fought and are still fighting this nations wars. Not much of a comparison is it? These small sacrifices though, can reap big rewards. So like the Sons of Liberty, let us make those sacrifices, as they did with tea, and we will come out the better for it. We will have our America back.

How To Stop The Bleeding, Start Our Own Revolution, And Fix Our Country

(NOTE: These three pieces were written right after the 2008 election, before the advent of the TEA Party. I had found them the other day and thought they were still pretty relevant. So forgive me for them being a little outdated.)

"Let us re-adopt the Declaration of Independence and with it, the practices and policy which harmonize with it. Let the North and South-- let all Americans-- let all lovers of liberty everywhere join in the great and good work. If we do this, we shall not only have saved the Union, but we shall have so saved it as to make and keep it worthy of saving. We shall have so saved it that succeeding millions of free happy people the world over shall rise up and call us blessed to the latest generation."
                                                                                                                      Abraham Lincoln

Individually the American people are as honorable and as brave as ever. They still desire to do what is right, moral, and just. We haven't lost that. What we have lost, by design, is our ability to pull together and accomplish great things. To do what is right no matter the cost for ourselves, to sacrifice for the common good of our country, her allies and her people.

Winston Churchill said, "Americans will always do the right thing, after exhausting all other options." It is time for us to do the right thing and come together, against all odds and wishes of the powers that be. I don't mean for republicans and democrats to come together and pass their beloved massive bills, that only hurts our country. I mean for the American people from all races and creeds to come together and let these people know that we are their boss. They don't want us together, because together we would throw their behinds out of our house. So they, our "leaders" led us down this road to ruin.

What we need is new leaders. If an honorable person or group was to stand, if they believed in our principles, culture, morals, and our country we would follow and they would win. We don't need nor do we want those same tired old politicians that tell us how they understand us and then go out and do the same America killing actions. We need a leader that has walked a mile in our shoes. A true conservative, who cares nothing for what is expedient, but does what is right. Who recognizes our nations enemies and vows by any means necessary to keep them from hurting our people.

Andrew Hamilton said, "a struggle for liberty is in itself respectable and glorious, when conducted with magnanimity, justice, and humanity it ought to command the admiration of every friend of human nature." This is our struggle, to regain our lost liberty and it is a honorable one.

All the high sounding words, unfulfilled plans and broken promises of the past are not the answer. We need action. Sun Tzu said, "action without planning is folly, planning without action is futile." People call these wondrous words planting seeds. Well you can plant all the seeds you want, but sooner or later someone must tend the garden. Without which all those pretty words are for not.

We must help people to be unafraid, unafraid to speak and unafraid to stand. Show them the precious things has been stolen from them, what they have surrendered, but together what we can win back. Liberty! Let them know that hardships will occur, because anything worth having must be paid for. Frederick Douglas said, "you may not get all you pay for in this life, but you sure must pay for all you get." We must remember though that most people are like children. They rant and rave about wanting something, but when they begin to see they will have to sacrifice to get there they run back to Mom and Dad. They need leadership and direction, not just words.

Don't let them fear change, most people do. Remind them freedom is not free, it is earned with hard work and sacrifice. The craziest thing I ever heard is, "better and evil you know than one you don't." If the Sons of Liberty felt as such we would still be an English colony. No, you change that evil, and somehow if evil fills that void you roll your sleeves back up and change it too.

Nor should we let our people fear it to be too hard or that the system is too big to change. Thinking that way is what has gotten us to here, and how is that working for us? No task is too great when likeminded determined people join together for the common good. When people with conviction stand together, nothing or nobody can disband. Just like the Sons of Liberty.

They will be an example, a shining light for other likeminded people to rally to our cause. Thomas Jefferson said, "may it be to the world, what I believe it will be, the signal of arousing men to burst their chains under which monkish ignorance and superstition had persuaded them to bind themselves, and to assume the blessings and security of self-government."

But where is our Thomas Jefferson, our Samuel Adams, our Abraham Lincoln, or our Ronald Reagan? Where is our Sons, and Daughters of Liberty? Our revolution is waiting, conservatives are waiting, and America is waiting for its leader. If he or she would just stand we would follow.