Thursday, September 22, 2011

Charity vs. Redistribution

Progressives make it out like they have a monopoly on compassion and charity; all because they take someone else's money and gives it to another(usually their voting base) out of compassion for the "needy." Though if they were truly concerned would they not give their own money to them. All this time they are pointing their holier than thou fingers at conservatives as if they are some super Daddy Warbucks stealing the bread away from the poor all because they feel they are paying too much in taxes. They get away with this because the news media is in cahoots with them, even though we all know it isn't true.

Conservatives have just as much caring and compassion as progressives, maybe more. They are not only willing, but do give more of their personal money to charity. They don't need, nor do they want the government to do it for them. The government has never ran anything efficiently, not even the military, so what makes people think they can use our money to help any cause is ludicrous. All they ever help is their own reelection and growth of more government bureaucracy that eats more money. A conservative wants the most out of their buck, and they know that does not and has never been through the government. We must remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.

Next the conservative knows where they want to spend their money. Why should an Illinois Farmer have to fund the New York City Opera which he will never see or even worse fund his own overseas competitors. How about forcing Christians, or for that matter Jews and Muslims to fund abortion, gay marriage and other immoral things they do not believe in. If an individual does not want their money to go to these things how can the government force them to do so. Governments should not be involved in the redistribution of wealth, but in the incentive for the individual to create new wealth. Alexis de Tocqueville said, "The American Republic will endure until the government finds out it can bribe the public, with the publics money." They have crossed that line an long time ago, the question is how much longer can we endure it?

Everybody Else Does

Why is it that you hear American's today say things like this country does this, or this country has that, why cant we? They look longingly at one little thing a nation has, in the midst of a nation that is crumbling and want to imitate them without even a cursory glance of what is going on in the rest of the country.

Our founders built our very unique system this way for a reason. They seen the way Europe was heading and knew that was not the road we should go down ourselves. They did not want their fledgling nation and the land that they loved to descend into that same system they just fought so hard to be rid of. With the system these men built this nation rose from the ashes of war to the most prominent nation in this world in record time and eventually the superpower like none other.

So as you look lovingly at Sweden's welfare system, Cuba's Healthcare, France's vacations, or anyone but our own military, police and intelligence; or if you are like the America loving Fareed Zakaria of CNN believing we should just throw out the Constitution and go with a European style system, ask yourself one thing. What and where has that system gotten them? And while your at it tell Mr. Zakaria if he likes that system so much, to go live under it and leave ours alone.

Their bungling in socialism led them to a malaise that they are working tirelessly to pull themselves from. So as they are giving up the system which led them to the poorhouse, these folks like our leaders and Mr. Zakaria look lovingly down at them and seeks to emulate them.

This is what happens when people forget what it cost our forefathers to become the greatest nation of the world. The only nation to sacrifice their own sons and daughter for the freedom of other nations. We should not be looking at what other nations are doing, they should be looking at us for their example.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Damn fool

"What all wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damn fools said would happen has come to pass."

Lord Melbourne

How is it that everybody still believes all those smart people and pundits when they have led us astray so often? It boggles my mind that they are still lauded in the news as such towering geniuses when they have been wrong so many times.

Remember, it is the same voices telling you how to fix this economy that could not see the fall in 2008 coming. I also seem to remember some inarticulate stupid Texan warning us of the coming bubble coming from the mess which was Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Community Reinvestment Act. Yet he was disregarded as an idiot or dunce who couldn't even speak and who is now blamed by President Obama and his Administration for all the ills of the nation. These same smart voices telling us that we are recovering, when all factors say otherwise. President Obama in his much acclaimed jobs speech used the same old tired rhetoric that has been used by progressives throughout history. If this worked we should be out  the woods by now. Not to mention how long he has be "laser focused on jobs". He has used those same words since 2009. Yet we don't have a press to point these things out, because it is against their  Progressive agenda and of being President Obama's propaganda machine. Not to mention they also didn't see this fall coming.

These are same people that want us to believe they have such good information on the happening of the world, but were surprised by things such as the "Arab Spring", the violence now in Egypt, or the Somalia Famine. All of which have been predicted by those not listened to and made fun of damned fools.

That is our problem, we are like the ostrich with the head in the sand only pulling it out when something happens. We then react and when you are reacting you are always behind the power curve. We need to be proactive and get ourselves ahead of these events, whether it is economics, world events, or terrorism. To do so we must stop listening to all these smart people who have been wrong on everything and begin to listen to those damn fools that history has proven right time and again.