Monday, May 2, 2011


Hello.  My name is Edward Bates.  I am 42 years old and have never been married, nor do I have any children.  I am exactly what the title says - a Christian Patriot.  I don't have any idea if anyone wants to read my essays or not, or even if they are worth reading.  But since you found your way here, why don't you take a peek.  I hope you enjoy what you read.  Please feel free to contact me with comments.

I am just a simple country boy and a former Marine.  I have worked many jobs, from factory work to the oil prpeline to freelance writing.  I am nothing special.  I went to a community college, that I had to work my way through and worked hard to earn my grades.  I am a total news hound and political junkie.

As for politics, I am fairly conservative, although I am a registered democrat (only because when I turned 18 they came to my house and registered me first :)).  I like to think of myself as a hybrid.  A mix of conservative, libertarian and nationalist.  Exactly what my mother (may she rest in peace) and the Marine Corps taught me.  God, country and Corps or family.

I think our nation is in dire straights and has been for quite some time.  The past ten or so years has just seen it slip into warp drive.  We are a broken nation and both parties are to blame, and so are we.  These are some of my past articles, essays, diatribes and rants.  I will be posting more of the past ones as well as current at a later time.  I don't know if I have any answers to our problems, but this makes me feel like I am doing something.  God Bless America.

Semper Fi,
Edward Bates

P.S. : To start healing our nation we must first realize that we are not the source of evil in this world.  We are one of the most caring, generous and compassionate countries on the face of the earth.

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