Monday, October 10, 2011

Samuel Adams

A Grecian philosopher who was lying asleep on the grass, was aroused by the bite of a small animal. He closed his hand suddenly as he awoke and found that he had caught a small field mouse. As he was examining the little animal who dared to attack him, it unexpectantly bit him a second time, and made its escape.

Now fellow citizens, what think you was the reflection he made upon this trifling circumstance? It was this: that there is no animal, however weak and contemptible, which cannot defend its own liberty, if it will only fight for it.

For myself, I have been wont to converse with poverty. And however disagreeable a companion she may be thought to be by the affluent and luxurious, who were never acquainted with her. I can live happily with her the remainder of my days; if I can thereby contribute to the redemption of my country.

Our oppressors cannot force us into submission by reducing us to a state of starvation. We can subsist independently of all the world. The real wants and necessities of man are few.

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