Monday, November 28, 2011

Conservative Jesus

Herman Cain was right, Jesus was and still is the ultimate conservative.

Progressives, most of which does not believe in Him, are fond of describing him as some sort of hippie communist freak who mooched for his existence. As some sort of ancient "activist" who had dreams of a worldwide commune. They are wrong!

Sure some messages of Jesus share a few of the same things, but to confuse them is completely inaccurate and done so far out of context just to prove their statement. Jesus instructed his followers to give all they could, to help feed the hungry, supply to the poor, heal the sick, and to help the helpless. Nobody can argue that, but there are two little words that completely nullify their statement. Free will.

Jesus wants us to willing give these things, not to have some government take them and redistribute them to whom they feel to be deserving. What benefit does that bring to you, your soul, or society. It only benefits who they decide it does, and of course ensures that they can get reelected. Well, Jesus don't need reelection, He is already King and our King wants our giving to be charity.

Isn't it funny how those two little words can give things a completely different meaning. Sadly the progressives don't like the idea of free will, because with free will comes self responsibility and self determination. If that is had then their belief that they are the elite who must lead us stupid people is nullified and they can't have that. So they try to pervert the teachings of a man they say never existed.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Murdering The American Dream

Fareed Zakaria-- CNN talking head, unofficial adviser to the president, and spokesman of George Soros-- had a show on how the American dream was dying and how the "occupy" movement is the result of that untimely demise. Believe it or not he is right in one respect, but as usual he is totally wrong in others.

He is absolutely right that the American dream is dying. The American dream of working hard, starting a family and buying a house to live out the rest of your life is on its last breath. Heck, it is currently in its death throes.

He is completely wrong when he says that the occupy movement has risen out of that death. The haven't risen because of it, they have helped to cause it. They, along with their progressive elite masters like Mr. Zakaria and his idealistic twin President Obama, have engineered this death. That means it is first degree murder, and the progressives are the culprits. They made folk like these "occupiers" believe that they deserve and it is their right to be taken care of by the government from cradle to grave, which the believe to now be the American dream.

Through this action they have once again started the class warfare that has fueled these populist socialistic movements the world over. Making the demon, the evil rich guy stealing your birthright of what they now believe to be the American dream, which could not be further from the truth. Along the way they have even made some people on our side to agree with them. In this wake they have poisoned the real American dream killing it for the people like us who want to work hard, start a family and buy a home. Because of their actions we no longer are wishing for the American dream, we are no only hoping for the American survival.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Faltering TEA Party

It isn't over! Our tour of duty is not and will never be done. We have allowed the progressives to get in way of our mission. They have regained their message and in the process caused dissention within our ranks.

With the help of their propaganda machines in the lamestream media the progressive movement has regained their groove. Even gained some TEA Party support(I have no idea how) with their populist eat the rich message and bribery politics. They are eroded the inroads we worked so hard to gain.
They have pushed their agenda into the forefront and making us defend our own at every turn. We are no longer on the offense, as we were in 2009-10. We have been forced to defend, and we are not very good at it. Plus how do you defend the silliness of "when did you stop beating your wife?" They have used our disunity against us, pitting one TEA Party ageist another with their agenda, not ours. The people who don't know better thinks we are being split, because they believe that there is one TEA Party.

We must regain that loud unified voice, get back on our message, and go back on the offensive. Like Patton says, "the best defense is a offense." Show these "Occupiers" who truly has the power, and how we can do it without the violence and the stench.

Wake Up TEA Party America!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Enhanced Interrogation

At the APEC Summit President Obama said that water boarding is torture in response to a question which stemmed from the GOP Debate when Herman Cain said it was not. All of that is semantics. It is ones own personal view. I am sure if you were to ask the terrorist that was water boarded he would agree that it was, but if you were to ask those people benefiting from the gained information then might say it isn't and may even volunteer to pour.

Progressives, like our president would rather see American's die, than to look bad in the eyes of folks who are never going to like us no matter what we do. What the progressives fail to see is that although rules are very important, sometimes the ends truly justify the means. It is the height of foolishness to play by a set of self-imposed rules when your enemy play by none. It is also criminally stupid to allow Americans to die in a vain attempt to look good, when you have the means at your disposal to prevent it. For them to claim that enhanced interrogation harms our moral standing in the world is ludicrous. If that was the case, there would be no need for enhanced interrogation, because all these people would love us right?

We don't need anyone or anything to speak for our moral standing in the world. Our history speaks for itself. No matter what our detractors, even those American detractors, we have been the least imperialistic power ever. We have expended our riches and our lives in the defense of the liberty of others. Then after all was said and done, we helped to set those nations back on their feet by rebuilding them. What other nation has ever done that? America is great, because America is good. Being good entails helping people, not whether or not you keep some terrorist from sleeping or pour a little water over their heads.

                                      My Views Of Torture

Torture                                                                          Not Torture
-Yanking fingernails and toenails                                  -Sleep or sensory deprivation
-Cutting of of limbs                                                     -Withholding of food
-Power Drill to Knees                                                   - Threats to them our family
-Killing of loved ones                                                    -Beating them up a little
-Electric shock                                                              -Water boarding

You get the picture.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jobs For Vets

This part of the Obama jobs plan that is about that passed the Senate and is about to pass the House is nothing but a pathetic and insulting attempt by both parties to buy the vote of Veteran's. Vets never fought for the right to come back to America and get special treatment or consideration for a job. That is not the America they fought for. They fought for an America that the job goes to the most deserving applicant regardless of color, creed, sex or if they are a vet. All it is is a form a division politics that insults the honor of vets. It is an affirmative action for vets that they neither asked for nor want. How about making the environment right for all American's who want a job can have one. That's what the vets want.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

We Are Doing It Again

I have a prediction for the 2012 election. We lose! Sure we have won some battles, but we are losing the war.

We have allowed the progressives to regain their voice, get back on message and regain the momentum. While doing so they have effectively branded us as the party of "no" standing in the way of the President. All of this because we have no voice out their articulating conservatism and giving the people a alternative to socialism.

If a strong voice does happen to surface, we, yes we allow them to destroy it. After being warned not to, we are once again letting the lamestream media pick our candidate for us. A candidate they want, that we ill have to hold our nose for. Tell me, how did this method work out for us in 2008? We let them destroy Sarah Palin(not in me, she is still my pick) and we are now letting them do the same to Herman Cain.

Don't let them. Get back on message, seize the momentum and retake our country!

Friday, November 4, 2011

OK People, You Are Not Helping

A Virginian GOP County Committee sent out a Halloween e-mail that had President Obama as a zombie with a bullet hole in the head. These childish things are not helping our cause, as a matter of fact they hurt us. They only give these progressives more fodder against us and makes us look petty. I can hear them all now, "see... see, I told you they are racists." Sure they hung George W. Bush and Sarah Palin in effigy, but they are not us. We know that there is a blatant double standard and we got to stop being so shocked and outraged when it is applied. We got to be what we are, a group of good and honorable people with a better idea.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Work Force

Sure there are hard times here in America, but that should only mean that there should never be a saying, "jobs Americans won't do." I have never heard such bunk. Americans have went from the hardest working country in the world to a bunch of spoiled cry babies wanting everything given to them. They have been told the deserve more than they earn by both their parents and government and bribed by that same government for their vote. They now believe that they should be able to do what they want and just like those occupiers will throw a hissy fit when they don't get it.
It is far past time to take that silver spoon from their mouths. Make them earn what they want, just like their forefathers. If you do this these jobs Americans won't do will quickly turn into jobs Americans will do. It is simple, and despite what Mitt Romney says, simple fixes are often times the best.

1) Get rid of the illegal aliens and even foreign workers swelling our work force. You fill those jobs with Americans.
2) To ensure Americans are willing to fill those jobs, take away 2 years of unemployment and make it very short. Also thin the rolls of welfare and make those on it work for it.
These simple little fixes would drastically drop our unemployment and cut our spending deficit. Sure you may not like the job you are doing, but often times a grown up must do things they don't want to do. It is called life!


Sunday, October 30, 2011


"If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck it is usually a duck."

If you want an example of just how great the liberal-progressives(even in the republican party) are in power all you have to do is take a gander at the states in which they are the strongest. Then look at where conservatives are in control and see which states are doing better.

Lets concentrate on two of the more liberal-progressive bastions in our Union, the "granola state" of California and the shining light of corruption of Illinois. Both have been controlled by these same liberal-progressives that are in Washington for decades and look how well they are doing.

Both are bankrupt, both fiscally and morally. Their education systems are on the bottom ring and getting lower. They are both stocked full of unworkable and extremely expensive social programs that are paid for on the backs of working citizens. They both keep on raising their taxes, just like those in Washington says to do, and that in turn has ran business out of their states, where the unemployment is among the highest. The are both up to their ears in debt, yet they keep on spending like Paris Hilton turned loose on Rodeo Drive.

Their governments are ran by the trade unions, special interests and politically correct factions and lobbyists and the people that are asked to pay for there schemes are ignored. As their states fall deeper and deeper into the abyss they play political and social games to cover their theft and bungling from the people.

Sadly these states and many others liberal-progressive strongholds are a drag on the rest of the country, and played more than their "fair share" in the problems which now face us. They are now in control of most of our political system, and are working hard to gain even more. What will become of our beloved country if they are to gain power unencumbered by an opposing side. Do we end up like the wonderful states of California and Illinois that can't manage their own states without the aid of the federal government?

If you do then keep your heads in the sand and let them govern, no let them rule over you. If you don't want to live that way, write your representatives and protest their actions and no actions that are turning our country into the same failed system. The next time try looking for a candidate that represents your principle and ideals. Vote for people on what they do and what they stand for instead of the rhetoric they spout. Maybe then we can take our Country back.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Massive Government and Bureaucracy

"In a bureaucracy people will rise to the level of incompetency."
                                                                                           Sociology's Peter Principle

The same principle could, should and does apply to government as well. What are they but bureaucrats in a politicians suit anyway. Both are so large and top heavy that their costs are astronomical and their accomplishment are microscopic.

Do you have any idea how many people work for the federal government today? Funny, neither do they. Seriously, with all the politicians, staffers, appointees, czars, functionaries, contractors, etc. it is very easy to lose count. This doesn't even include state and local government. The number of government workers are more than our countries industrial workers and that is sad. A better question though is how much money these useless breathers cost the real workers in salary alone? More than enough to start p[eying off some of that debt, that along with ending the harebrained and expensive schemes these "smart" people inflict upon us everyday.

A good house cleaning is what we really need. Clear out all the dead wood from the top to the bottom and do completely away with all those overlapping and unneeded agencies and functions. This would save more than any of the powers that be are willing to admit. Detractors complain and whine how that would cost jobs, but this along with some actions to reintroduce our industrial base to the country then their would be more than enough jobs for these people to do. Sure they may actually have to do some work, but it will build character. Then if they don't work, they will be fired, instead of promoted like they are today.

Sacrifices are needed to get our nation back on track, sacrifices from all, even the government, especially the government. The people of this great nation has always been more than willing to sacrifice for her and it is time for her "leaders" to do so as well. It's time for them to give up their staffs, perks and luxuries paid for by the people. They can live in barracks just like the young men and women they send to war or the factory worker that they tax to pay for their pet projects. Also there is no reason whatsoever for them to be in session full time. First off they already have more laws than they can count, you don't need anymore. Plus lots of their business can be conducted via the internet so they can stay at home with the people they are suppose to be representing.

These small things matter. They add up and could make this massive, intrusive government manageable, and even bearable.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Outsourcing Our Nation

"Unless our government is respectable, foreigners will invade your rights..."
                                                                                                         Alexander Hamilton

If he were alive today, Mr. Hamilton, would have added take our jobs to that statement. He would never be able to fathom this new concept of outsourcing. I believe he would call it for what it was, and not the politically correct name it is today. He would call it selling America and Americans out. Then he would ask us how in the world could we ever let this happen?

Can we even answer that? Why did we, and why are we still? You say that we don't have a choice, but we do. This is still our country, and we are their bosses. Tell the politicians that we will no longer take them selling our jobs to other countries. Tell the unions to get a clue and stop being so greedy. Tell the companies that if they move the jobs out of America, that they will be taxed when that product reenters. We can also hit them where it hurts, their pocket books. Stop donating to their political campaigns, or paying your union dues until they do your bidding. If a company is outsourcing then don't use their products. Punish those involved and the jobs will return.

If they stop listening, maybe we can then find a way to outsouce our politicians.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


President Obama Wants To Build A Mote On the Border And Put Alligators In It

Sounds pretty ridiculous doesn't it? That is just how these so called "journalists" sound when asking everyone and their dog about Herman Cain's electric fence. Like Mr. Cain said, "Americans need to learn how to take a joke." It is funny that they seemed to get that President Obama's was a joke, but can't comprehend that Cain's was as well. Yes, it is nothing more than the double standard that they say doesn't exist. Another thing that makes this ridiculous is that statement, just like Obama's was made months ago. Cain's electric fence was actually in response to Obama's mote. Why is it now an issue? Could it be that Cain is moving up in the polls and they feel real threatened? Hmmm.

Note: This has brought up the border fence issue again, and has brought out silly excuse and "fact" after another. One I just heard again was the cost of the fence. They said it would cost over 8 billion dollars. I have no idea who has that contract, but I will do it for 7 billion. I know government pays ridiculous prices, but please. I could have it up and going for far less and I am just a simple country boy. All it is is an excuse, because none of them really want it. Neither do they want to do anything about illegals, and not just Mexican (although Mexican and South Americans are the bulk, because of the common border) all of them.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Anwar al-Awlaki

When I first heard that Anwar al-Awlaki was killed by the drone, along with his propagandist Samir Khan I actually cheered the event and gave President Obama praise for it. The only thing I had a problem with was the news media and the progressives reaction to it. The same people, President Obama included, that crucified George W. Bush for Gitmo, harsh interrogation techniques, and the Jose Padilla case are now praising the assassinations of two American citizens. These are the same people that want to give terrorist caught in the act rights of an American citizen, yet do not afford them to these two gentleman.
As I said, at first I personally had no problem at all with the action, but as I thought longer about it I came to change my mind. I began to see if they are allowed to cross the line of the assassination of an American citizen that happens to be a terrorist without any push back, then what line will they cross next? Will it be the guy that they think may become a terrorist? Could it lead to you or me?

Occupy Movement

I personally have no problem with the movement. If it is a viable movement it will continue, but if it is Astroturf it will eventually fizzle out. I don't agree with anything they say and have a major problem with their slogan of "we are the 99%," because they are not. They have every right to do whatever it is they choose. I actually encourage it, because I will put my beliefs against theirs any day of the week and let a thinking person make the choice and we will win out more often than not. Their voice, nor their beliefs do not frighten me. Let them make fools of themselves.
What bothers me though is the treatment of them by the news media and politicians that still accuse the TEA Party of being racist and fake. They belittled the TEA Party at every turn, even going as far as inventing their own stories. I actually heard one media host point out that one bad apple at the rally didn't make them all bad, but yet one bad apple at a TEA Party rally, which incidentally the TEA Party pushed out, painted them all with the racist brush. Just like Morgan Freeman saying just because the want Obama to be a one term president they are racist. Tell me Mr. Freeman, didn't you and the rest of the democrats make it your mission to make George W. Bush a one term president? You failed, but you still tried like hell to do it. No these people that are now proclaiming that the "occupy movement" is the greatest thing since sliced bread should remember how they treated the TEA Party. Can you say yet another double standard?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Patrick Henry

Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the Ministry and Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrations has produced additional violence and insult; our supplication have been disregarded; we have been spurned, with contempt from the foot of the throne...

Reconciliation? What reconciliation? We are infected with armies and fleets sent from England. A military presence with only one purpose-to force our submission.

And what is our reply? More argument and petitions? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. We have nothing but the same old argument to present. We have already done enough petitions, remonstrations, and prostrations.

There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free-if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending...we must fight! I repeat sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts, is all we have left!

They say we are weak, but when shall we be stronger? Next week or next year? Shall we wait until there's an army stationed at guard at every door? No.

We are not weak. We are invincible in the holy cause of liberty. Three million people invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us.

There is no retreat, but submission and slavery! Our chains are forged. Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable-and let it come! I repeat, sir, let it come!

Gentleman may cry, peace, peace-but there is no peace. The war has already begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north, will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentleman wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

Samuel Adams

A Grecian philosopher who was lying asleep on the grass, was aroused by the bite of a small animal. He closed his hand suddenly as he awoke and found that he had caught a small field mouse. As he was examining the little animal who dared to attack him, it unexpectantly bit him a second time, and made its escape.

Now fellow citizens, what think you was the reflection he made upon this trifling circumstance? It was this: that there is no animal, however weak and contemptible, which cannot defend its own liberty, if it will only fight for it.

For myself, I have been wont to converse with poverty. And however disagreeable a companion she may be thought to be by the affluent and luxurious, who were never acquainted with her. I can live happily with her the remainder of my days; if I can thereby contribute to the redemption of my country.

Our oppressors cannot force us into submission by reducing us to a state of starvation. We can subsist independently of all the world. The real wants and necessities of man are few.


 Free American Revolutionary Movement

"I hold it that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing. As necessary in the political world as storms in the physical....God forbid that we should ever see twenty years without such rebellion."
                                                                                                                  Thomas Jefferson

Americans all over this land are being misrepresented and forgotten. Their government and leaders, at all levels, are not representing their values, principles, and ideals. No matter your skin color, gender, social status, or locale if you feel your government has taken the wrong turn, that they have gotten too big and intrusive, that their paternal policy is not the direction we should be going then we should all come together. We have a rallying point.

We need to become another "greatest generation." Where men and women did what was needed, not what felt good. To get that love of country and willingness of self-self sacrifice back, we know who we are and where we came from. We must have a shared ideal of freedom and liberty and be willing to do what it takes to return our nation on its course to greatness, and not this progressive slide into socialism.

John Adams said during a debate on whether they should rebel against Britain, "I expect no redress. We must fight." So must we. We must be willing to speak out, protest, dissent, rebel, and sacrifice to stop this progressive assault on our country. To stop the revolution the started long ago and to begin our very own conservative revolution to bring our country back from ruin.

We must get our views out there. Let the two parties know that neither represent us ant longer(if they ever did) and unless they start representing us that we will no longer support them. The morph of conservatism and nationalism is what will stand this nation proudly back on its feet. Let them know that the two-party system does not mean there can only be two parties, even if people seem to think it does. It sure as heck does not mean only democrats and republicans may apply. If they fail to see this, we can start our own party, our own viable party that represents us. Do not listen to those that say we would only split the vote, that keeps the same people ruining this nation in power. The people must stop being sheep and following without question what they are told. Make your own decisions, follow someone that shares your views. Then and only then can a third party make an impact.

Let us continue the conservative revolution that Ronald Reagan started. He said, "people want the dignity of having some control over their individual destiny....Government exists for their convenience not the other way around"( that is why we loved, heck still love him.). Adding to it some proven nationalist principles that will make our industry strong again. Its time for a true party that represents the working man, not the unions or special interests, and only uses such words for campaign slogans. We need and want a National Conservative Patriots Party.

F.A.R.M. Charter
Aim: Restoration of our nation.
               1. By restoring the sovereign, democratic American Republic within the framework (The Constitution) of the principles of freedom and liberty.
               2. By respecting the basic rights of man without distinction of race, gender, social status, religion or creed.

Internal Objectives:
               1. Political renewal through redirecting the national movement onto its true and original path and by removing all traces of corruption and revisionism- the causes of our downfall.
               2. To assemble and organize the efforts of the American people on the path of greatness our founders placed us upon.

External Objectives:
               1. To bring support and sympathy from other nations to our struggle for liberty and freedom.
               2. To gain allies and alliances with nations during  and after our struggle

Means of combat:
               According to the revolutionary principles, and taking into account the internal and external situation, we shall continue to fight by any means necessary until we realize our aims.
               To achieve these ends F.A.R.M. will have two highly important tasks to carry out simultaneously: internal action, both general and political; and external action, to bring our problem before the eyes of the world with the help of our natural allies. This will be a heavy burden and will take all our will, energies and resources. The struggle will be a long one, but the outcome is certain.
               Lastly, in order to avoid misinterpretation, to show our sincere desire for peace, and to avoid unnecessary violence, bloodshed and loss of life we suggest honorable negotiations with the government, if they are willing to act in good faith and to accept once and for all the right of the peoples they rule to self-determination. We will not start any of the violence we want to achieve our goals through peaceful negotiations and winning at the ballot box. The violence will come when the powers that be begin to lose that power.
               Americans! We invite you to ponder this charter. It is your duty to associate yourselves with it so that we may save our country and regain our freedom. The struggle of F.A.R.M. is your struggle, its victory is your victory.
               As for ourselves, we are resolved to carry on with the struggle. Confident of our anti-socialist and anti-oppression sentiments. We shall give our best to and for our country and her people.
               With this we hope to avoid association with any particular group, and to provide Americans, from all walks of life, no matter your old party affiliations, with an opportunity of joining in our cause of liberty, unhampered by any conflict of loyalty.

Note: If any of you believe that none of this can be done, remember that the same thing was said about a group of merchants and farmers wanting to break away from the British Empire and make their own way. They were told the were dreamers, they were crazy, and that there was no way that a bunch of farmers can stand against the strongest army of the world. Guess what? They were wrong, and so are you. Read these words below.

Note #2: I wrote the above words back a few years ago, way before the advent of the TEA Party. The TEA Party has incorporated many of my views, but they are not yet a party or unified movement. As of now, they may work better as such, but there has to be a unified stance or the movement will be doomed. We don't have to agree on every issue, the world would be a very boring place if we did. We just have to agree on the major ideals and principles which founded this nation.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Dick Cheney vs. Al Gore

Dick Cheney has been in the news here of late and stirred up quite a hornets nest with his new book. It started the same old tired comments on how evil he is and how he should just go away by all the lefties. Supposed news organizations actually posed questions to their audience of whether Cheney  should just fade away. Tell me, why has this never been asked of Al Gore? I am so sick of this double standard in the news media.

They never even questioned Big Al when his sexual exploits came to light. As a matter of fact the circled their wagons a provided cover for him instead. Why? Because Mr. Gore touts their same agenda. What other politician could write a "scientific" book about anything, yet they think he is the foremost expert on Global Warming. An expert who used doctored pictures in his movie and distorted "facts" in his book. If Cheney would have written a book on science he would have been crucified. Not only that, this man is making a killing selling a made up business of offsets, all the while he is flying around in private jets and limos. He does not care for the environment, he care about Al Gore.

On the other Dick Cheney can't even defend himself without be demonized. What do you think would happen if it came out that Cheney had a massage therapist in his room, much less that he put the moves on her. Yes, the would have beat him to death. The fact of the matter is is that they hate Cheney, because he is unafraid to do what is good for the country, and the "journalists", pundits, and critics be damned. They hate because he stands for principles and will call a spade a spade. He is exactly the thing every says they want(Just like Sarah Palin, they say they want someone outside of Washington, and they get her and they attack her.) someone who cares nothing over their reelection or legacy. He sought no higher office, unlike Al Gore and the rest of the politicians. His mission was to protect the country he loved. He did

Saturday, October 1, 2011


If I were a betting man, I would bet you $100.00 (inflation) to a doughnut that half of these atrocities in Libya attributed to the Gadhafi Regime are false flag operations by the rebels. They know that they will garner the sympathy and support they need if it works. They also know full well that the news media will be their propaganda machine and push their version of the story, just as they have done to date.

This goes for other place as well like Egypt, Gaza, West Bank, and Syria. Mao Tze Dong and many other communist revolutionaries and terrorist the world over used this tactic. They used false flags, or even forced their oppositions reprisal on the populace, which the Palestinians have learned well. Both ways are effective and both are being used.

While I am placing these bets, let me make one more. These things are happening here in America as well. Many of the threats against politicians are such false flags. This tactic is used widely at TEA Party rallies by leftist trying to make the TEA Party look bad with the "racist" signs and slogans. This has gone one better to outright lies of these things happening, like the "remarks" made at the health care protest. It was funny with all the cameras there that no remarks were caught. These folks are agent provocateur and aren't really very good at it. They don't need to be though, because their stories gain traction because the news media are complicit.

Why Progressives Hate

Progressives hate because they believe in a perfect world. They foresee a world with no starvation, no poverty, no racism, and where their is no war. They believe that they can achieve this by implementing their ideals of social justice. You then have those people that work with them, not because they truly believe, but they are after money and power. They know full well that their "ideals" don't work, but do so anyway for their own self-interests. Who's to say which is worse, but their tinkering only exacerbate the problems. Our world has never been, and will never be their utopian fantasy.

This is why they hate conservative so much. Because conservatives sees the world as it truly is, not as they wish it to be. It is not, as the progressive proclaim, that conservatives are heartless. On the contrary, conservatives are as compassionate as anyone and want to do something about the problems facing society as much as the next guy. What it is is that conservatives know that these problems have never and can never be solved with the ideals of social justice or the bungling of government. They are solved by the individual seeing wrongs and fixing them by their own doing.

This difference is what has caused them to hate so much. The very people that rail against the vitriolic rhetoric, say words such as "take the sons of bitches out" ala Jimmy Hoffa Jr. at a Presidential speech. Yet Sarah Palin's targeting of districts was so hateful. It isn't the conservative that hates, its the progressives. The very ones who claim to be against "hate speech"

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ninny Nation

Michael Savage was right a few weeks ago, we are a nation of ninnies. The news went completely bonkers over two non issues. Starting with the earthquake in Mineral VA that was felt up and down the East Coast and did absolutely no damage. I am living very close to the epicenter and many people didn't even feel it, yet they evacuated the federal buildings in Washington DC and the Pentagon, as well as shutting down airports for the rest of the day. Really?

Then we went just a few days later to the thunderstorm they named Hurricane Irene. I am all for being prepared, but these people, the news especially, went totally apecrap. They were shutting things down and evacuating days before this rain and wind maker came. Still if it would have been a Category 5, who the heck are they to tell me to get out of my own house. If I want to ride the storm out, it is my prerogative. We have a right to be stupid if we want. Instead though they have become that all powerful nanny state that the ninnies here want them to be.

This state of ninniness also applies o people that get offended. Americans can no longer take a joke or any criticism. Then on top of that you have those that are just looking for a reason to be offended so they can push their own social and/or political agendas. Well, these folks offend me! Are you really free if you can't call a spade a spade? Political correctness has run amuck on our nation and is what is helping to make us a nation of ninnies.

Our foreign policy is another place that ninniness is wrecking havoc on our nation. Not only is it wimpy, but it is geared toward apology and appeasement as well. Even our own president goes around and apologizes for our greatness so as not to offend lesser nations. So to make them feel good He won't (or likely can't) articulate true American exceptionalism. He even went as far to say that all nations think they are exceptional. Really Mr. President? Do you really believe that there are groups of Somalis or Laotians or any other third world nation really sitting around sipping coffee saying how great they are. Please, you must be joking.

If this ninification doesn't stop, we as a nation are doomed. This is just as harmful as the dismal economic and fiscal policy and rising debt, because they truly go hand in hand. This reactionary and emotional form of government the progressives practice does not work. It causes far more harm with the unintended consequences of their fix that the original problem would have made.

While I am on my soapbox about this, what the heck is up with the press conferences having everybody and their dogs as backdrops. It is utterly ridiculous. If they don't have anything to offer the news conference then they shouldn't be there. It is not so that your staff and family can get on TV or to make them feel good. This also goes for politicians using people as their backdrops, making sure they have the right mix of races and sexes. It is frankly insulting

Our problem is that many people want the government to take care of them and many of our politicians see themselves as the ruling class and they alone can lead the stupid masses. If they have a problem they will say "the government ought to do something about this." When did that become America? We use to be the self-reliant people who fixed their own problems and would never dream of asking anyone for help, especially not the government. Ronald Reagan said, "we've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to a government for, by and of the people. Well if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?"

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Charity vs. Redistribution

Progressives make it out like they have a monopoly on compassion and charity; all because they take someone else's money and gives it to another(usually their voting base) out of compassion for the "needy." Though if they were truly concerned would they not give their own money to them. All this time they are pointing their holier than thou fingers at conservatives as if they are some super Daddy Warbucks stealing the bread away from the poor all because they feel they are paying too much in taxes. They get away with this because the news media is in cahoots with them, even though we all know it isn't true.

Conservatives have just as much caring and compassion as progressives, maybe more. They are not only willing, but do give more of their personal money to charity. They don't need, nor do they want the government to do it for them. The government has never ran anything efficiently, not even the military, so what makes people think they can use our money to help any cause is ludicrous. All they ever help is their own reelection and growth of more government bureaucracy that eats more money. A conservative wants the most out of their buck, and they know that does not and has never been through the government. We must remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.

Next the conservative knows where they want to spend their money. Why should an Illinois Farmer have to fund the New York City Opera which he will never see or even worse fund his own overseas competitors. How about forcing Christians, or for that matter Jews and Muslims to fund abortion, gay marriage and other immoral things they do not believe in. If an individual does not want their money to go to these things how can the government force them to do so. Governments should not be involved in the redistribution of wealth, but in the incentive for the individual to create new wealth. Alexis de Tocqueville said, "The American Republic will endure until the government finds out it can bribe the public, with the publics money." They have crossed that line an long time ago, the question is how much longer can we endure it?

Everybody Else Does

Why is it that you hear American's today say things like this country does this, or this country has that, why cant we? They look longingly at one little thing a nation has, in the midst of a nation that is crumbling and want to imitate them without even a cursory glance of what is going on in the rest of the country.

Our founders built our very unique system this way for a reason. They seen the way Europe was heading and knew that was not the road we should go down ourselves. They did not want their fledgling nation and the land that they loved to descend into that same system they just fought so hard to be rid of. With the system these men built this nation rose from the ashes of war to the most prominent nation in this world in record time and eventually the superpower like none other.

So as you look lovingly at Sweden's welfare system, Cuba's Healthcare, France's vacations, or anyone but our own military, police and intelligence; or if you are like the America loving Fareed Zakaria of CNN believing we should just throw out the Constitution and go with a European style system, ask yourself one thing. What and where has that system gotten them? And while your at it tell Mr. Zakaria if he likes that system so much, to go live under it and leave ours alone.

Their bungling in socialism led them to a malaise that they are working tirelessly to pull themselves from. So as they are giving up the system which led them to the poorhouse, these folks like our leaders and Mr. Zakaria look lovingly down at them and seeks to emulate them.

This is what happens when people forget what it cost our forefathers to become the greatest nation of the world. The only nation to sacrifice their own sons and daughter for the freedom of other nations. We should not be looking at what other nations are doing, they should be looking at us for their example.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Damn fool

"What all wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damn fools said would happen has come to pass."

Lord Melbourne

How is it that everybody still believes all those smart people and pundits when they have led us astray so often? It boggles my mind that they are still lauded in the news as such towering geniuses when they have been wrong so many times.

Remember, it is the same voices telling you how to fix this economy that could not see the fall in 2008 coming. I also seem to remember some inarticulate stupid Texan warning us of the coming bubble coming from the mess which was Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Community Reinvestment Act. Yet he was disregarded as an idiot or dunce who couldn't even speak and who is now blamed by President Obama and his Administration for all the ills of the nation. These same smart voices telling us that we are recovering, when all factors say otherwise. President Obama in his much acclaimed jobs speech used the same old tired rhetoric that has been used by progressives throughout history. If this worked we should be out  the woods by now. Not to mention how long he has be "laser focused on jobs". He has used those same words since 2009. Yet we don't have a press to point these things out, because it is against their  Progressive agenda and of being President Obama's propaganda machine. Not to mention they also didn't see this fall coming.

These are same people that want us to believe they have such good information on the happening of the world, but were surprised by things such as the "Arab Spring", the violence now in Egypt, or the Somalia Famine. All of which have been predicted by those not listened to and made fun of damned fools.

That is our problem, we are like the ostrich with the head in the sand only pulling it out when something happens. We then react and when you are reacting you are always behind the power curve. We need to be proactive and get ourselves ahead of these events, whether it is economics, world events, or terrorism. To do so we must stop listening to all these smart people who have been wrong on everything and begin to listen to those damn fools that history has proven right time and again.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Who Is The Subversives?(2011)

You hear all the time from the progressives of both parties just how dangerous and un-American the TEA Party is. On how they are extremely disrespectful to President Obama and the office which he holds(from the same folks that demonized George W. Bush at every turn. Calling him a murderer, thief and even comparing him to Hitler.). They have railed against Governor Rick Perry and Sarah Palin for using words like treasonous, as they accuse them of being just that. They try to tie the TEA Party with terrorism calling them extremist, out of the mainstream, and accuse them of being subversive.

It's all bunk! Tell me which group is seeking to "fundamentally transform" a nation that only needs restoration? Who are the ones that are un-American and are making a mockery of the oath they have taken? They have all sworn to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States and they have broken that oath. That in turn makes them unfit for the office they hold and it not only nullifies their leadership, but also the validity of the orders which they give. The military oath tells us we must obey the orders of POTUS, but when he has broken his oath(as George Bush and many others also did) he loses his right to give such orders and his ability to command. Besides all of the oaths tells us above all that we must protect and defend the Constitution and when we support those "leaders" that have broken their oath, we break ours too.

We swore to our God to defend our country against all enemies foreign and domestic, and that is just what we should do. Not by the action which they accuse us of, but by voting the bums of both parties out and restoring the nation that we love.

Broken Oath (2006)

For years I have broken the oath I took and I did many things for which I am not proud. I forgot what integrity, responsibility, loyalty, and honor truly meant. I wrote the first of the following pieces sometime in 2005 (when George W. Bush was President) when I reaffirmed the oath I took many years before. I also began to implement that oath fully into my life after Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally on 8/24, 2010. I believe this is something all who have ever taken an oath should do, and for those that have never taken an oath should do so to themselves now.
Semper Fidelis,
Edward Bates

                                                                      Broken Oath(2006)

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God."
                                                                                                       Presidential Oath of Office

"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."
                                                                                                       Congressional Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
                                                                                                       Military Oath of Service

These oath's are taken when you are going into government service and they all have two things in common. The first is that when you take them you vow to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." The other commonality is that each and everyone that has ever taken these oaths are at this moment breaking them.

This liberal government, both democrats and republicans, are leading us down the road to socialism with their massive growth of government and nanny state social programs. These things are completely at odds with the Constitution. They often ignored or attempted to circumvent the very document they have vowed to protect. That makes them traitors, but we are no better.

Many of us has sworn to our God that we would defend the Constitution "against all enemies, foreign and domestic." We failed to do this when we sat idly by and allowed these "leaders" to shred the sacred document we vowed to defend. Our inaction makes us as treasonous as their actions.

President Gerald R. Ford said, "our Constitution works. Our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men." President Ford was right our Constitution does work, but it is no longer being used. They interpret it to say what they want it to say to fit their treasonous actions.

They are breaking their oath, let us not be their willing accomplices. We must uphold our oath. To do so, we must stand against this quest for socialism and totalitarianism from both parties. It is our duty to do so.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Time To Go

I have been a hawk for most of my life, but after today even I say it is time for us to go. Our hands are tied so tight by the bureaucrats and politicians that we can't even beat (or should I say they won't allow us to win) a bunch of terrorists, insurgents, and retards. Take the Taliban's attack on the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan on 9/13/2011, they have no clue what the first thing a butter bar learns about economy of force. If you keep letting your best fighters, the ones you train extensively and can't truly afford to lose, to go on suicide missions such as this or allow them to blow themselves up wildly shouting "Allahu akbar" how in the world can you keep your force going. It is patently ridiculous and we are having trouble with these folks. Could it be what CNN said all morning that the Embassy tactic was "duck and cover?" Why? Let the Marines do their jobs. Let them all do their jobs, stop waging war with both hands tied behind your back.

Then on top of all that, recently the Shiite firebrand Muqtada al-Sadr told his militias to stand down and let the Americans go home. He then threw a threat, that if they don't then we restart. Wonder what this guy is going to do with 2/3rds of the country supporting his lunatic ideas and following him blindly, when we do leave? Do you think he will take the country and ally with Iran? No doubt, but nobody is talking about that or doing anything about it. We knew this guy was trouble from the start, but we allowed him to continue to give us fits.

In both case if you are not going to go into an action (and this is Bush as well) with the sole purpose of winning, DO NOT SEND OUR MEN AND WOMEN TO DIE!!!

Pass It Right Away

President Obama's brain trust must have put those words through a test, because if he said them once he said the one hundred times during his campaign speech before Congress. You think he would get tired of saying them, but he has continued to say these words at every stump speech he has given since then. I am surprised he did not manage to get them into his 9/11 address. The thing I was wondering is what is the hurry?

Paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson who said that a if you pass legislation to fast that only the people are hurt, because the proper discussion has not taken place and it should take up to a year for this process to work itself out. Yet President Obama, as well as most other politicians want to pass these things right away. They don't want the bills to get out before hand. As Nancy Pelosi said, "you have to pass the bill to find out what is in the bill."

Another thing is that President Obama is all hammers to hell now, but first he had to go on vacation. Don't you also think that if he had that "laser focus" that he claimed for the first two years of his Administration, that he would have done something, back when his party had control of both chambers of congress(before late Jan. this year). It should have been a breeze to pass then, and this problem was around at that time, but he chose not to. Why? Because it didn't play well then for his reelection, but it sure does now!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Enforce Our Laws

"Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the revolution, never violate in the least particular, the laws of the country; and never tolerate their violation by others."
                                                                                                                          Abraham Lincoln

Our country is facing an epidemic of crime. Jim Nelson Black said, "crime, abuse, and racial violence are exploding, and the law seems powerless to stop the siege of vandalism destroying our cities. Science, education, and law once heralded as pillars of the earthly kingdom has not saved us. Instead they have brought even gloomier vistas of apocalypse."

Making more and more laws are not the answer. They are truly very few new crimes, their are only variations of the same crime. What we need is fewer more easily understood laws, one's which there is no doubt about. One's that give enough punishment, no matter your social class, to deter the person from ever committing it or any crime again.

Ever wonder why there was far less crime in the 1800's(per capita), even in the wild west. It can't be all attributed to the people being more moral and upstanding. There are two other factors which played a key role. The first being that people were armed, you never knew who carried a colt, so you thought twice about robbing them. The second is that the enforced the few laws they had and the were enforced quickly and harshly. This made a cattle rustler think twice if he knew he could be swinging from a tree. Both of these helped to keep crime low.

We should do the same today. If that means racial profiling, so be it. Liberals may harp about it, but just like torture, it works. Tell me where else would an Islamic terrorist hide? I can tell you it won't be at the local Baptist Church. These along with the deterrents spoken of above should do the trick. Between morality, the Colt, strict enforcement, and a whatever it takes attitude and our epidemic just may get cured.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial

I am sick of hearing about how our founders and their predecessors were nothing but a bunch of old racist white men and how Martin Luther King Jr. was such a great man. They are right on the latter, MLK Jr was a great man, but this great man could have done nothing without the work of the founders. He truly only continued the work of those great men. So it is fitting that his memorial sits on the National Mall with those men.

If he was to see the continuance of his struggle today, he would wonder why. He never asked, nor did he want special privilege, he wanted equal. He would look around today at those sitting around complaining and tell them to get off their behinds and work for what you want. He would scold those race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, not to mention those like Minister Louie Farrakhan who didn't like MLK Jr. when he was alive. MLK did not want a separate America. Yet today we have TV programs about black America, we have BET, and we have a congressional black caucus. These are the very things he fought against, but today they are separating from others, not being separated. MLK wanted one America for all people, and so do I and most everyone I know.

I believe there may be some areas that could use some work, but if MLK was alive I believe he would say that we have made it to that mountain top. That there is the equality and racial justice that he fought and died for. What other nation in the world could a minority rise to the highest office in the land.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Propaganda Machine

CNN and the rest of the news programs have become nothing but a propaganda machine for the rebels, just like the NATO planes are nothing but the rebels air force. It really sickens me to hear them report whatever the rebels tell them as fact, without so much as a cursory fact check(they do the same over here with events) then they try to push it off that this is what they were told. Please you are suppose to be reporters, do some reporting. You have let them mislead you on the capture of Gadhaffi's sons, with the cornering of Gadhaffi, the killing of his son, and so much more. You have invested yourself in this so much, that you won't even report on the reported atrocities of the rebels, but you sure will report on the alleged burning of a nanny. It's any wonder that anyone believes you guys at all. YOU ARE ALL HACKS!!!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Shining City On The Hill

Ronald Reagan was right America is that shining city on the hill for those people around the world seeking freedom and liberty, and "if we lose freedom here there is no place left to go." Our founders made our nation to be that beacon of hope for the world. They then passed on that heavy burden and sacred honor to all Americans through time, but somewhere along the way we have failed to tend to that flame of freedom. That duty has been ignored and forgotten by most, who have let that once bright flame turn into a ember about to flicker out.

Alexis de Tocqueville said, "because Roman civilization perished through barbarian invasions, we are perhaps too much inclined to think that that is the only way a civilization can die. If the lights that guide us ever go out, they will fade little by little, as if of their own accord.... We therefore should not console ourselves by thinking the barbarians are still a long way off. Some peoples may let the torch be snatched from their hands, but others will stamp it out themselves." That is exactly what we have been doing over the past 100 years, slowly and steadily stamping out those lingering embers.

This has laid an even heavier burden and sacred honor at the feet of this generation. We must rekindle and reignite that flame of freedom our founders willed us. If we do not we will never again be that haven for liberty for the world. Reagan said, "we cannot meet our world responsibilities without a strong economic policy which is effective at home and in the world marketplace.... We must put our economic house in order so that we can once again show the world by example that ours is the best system for all who want security and freedom." If we are ever to again become that shining city on the hill, we must stop stomping out that torch which was passed on to us. We don't want to be that keeper of the flame that let it go out from our complacency and greed. We want to be the ones that made it stronger, by our commitment and honor.

We must get our spending and debt in order, as well as retarding the growth of government who is daily encroaching upon our liberties. If we don't, this "last best hope" of the world will be no more and there will truly be "no place left to go."

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Armchair Generals

I am so tired of all these armchair generals and leftist journalist talking on how great the rebels in Libya are doing against the loyalist forces of Gadhafi. You have to be joking. If NATO, meaning the US, would have only done what they said they were going to do, which is to provide a no fly zone, the rebels would have been crushed. They are a rag tag mob that has some of the world's best air forces providing not only close air support, but also blatantly being their air arm by providing offensive sorties and still can barely make headway.

I still wonder how they can say they were trying to stop a massacre of civilians when a) civilians were taking up arms against the government. Whether or not that government is tyrannical or not does not matter. And b) They tried to stop this "potential"  while watching a real massacre in Syria take place, and still taking place.

Now we see them letting out al Queada terrorist from their prisons. Are you still wondering what kind of government these great rebel fighters are going to implement? If they can implement anything. It will more than likely descend into a power struggle. Who will fill that void?

Sunday, August 21, 2011


We have been hearing a lot about compromise in the news here of late. Especially since November when the Republicans took control of the House. Not so much when the Democrats controlled them all though. Hmmm. Anyway, compromise is not a dirty word, although in Washington today it seems to be. Compromise is how our nation was built and how it was kept growing strong.

Our Constitution was based on compromise. From the separation of powers to the way congress was to be chosen and the amount each state would have to even the bill of rights. Compromise has been such a bedrock in our history that the have been given their own names like the 1820 Compromise, the Missouri Compromise and the Great Compromise.

That system that worked for so many years have been forgotten and broken somewhere along the way. People no longer see it as a way to accomplish great things, but without it nothing gets accomplished. The problem is that each party only see's compromise as the other side relenting. Neither side is willing to truly come together and for both to make sacrifices. The progressives like to throw around accusations that the conservatives, especially the TEA Party will not give in, but they are doing exactly the same. Their idea of compromise is for the TEA Party to move to their side, which will never happen. In true compromise both sides must give. With that said, I am a firm believer that one should never compromise on their principles, because if they will come off that stance then they will give everything up for the sake of appeasement. Barry Goldwater said it best, "extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Let me remind you, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

There has always been this "partisan bickering" that is so frowned upon in today's politically correct world. It is part of the genius of our founder experiment. They designed a system that has a left and a right, but do not confuse that with party politics which they found to be a great evil better kept away from. They didn't want a politician more loyal to a party than to the country and its people. For our system to work the left and the right are needed and without them the people are undone.

In a nutshell the left is their to point out societal problems and to come up with solutions to fix them. The right is there to hold on to the purse strings letting the left know that our country can't afford such a program, or that this power is not in the federal government purview and better left to the states. They both have functions that our nation must have to survive. In our system without the left it would be too tight, strict and uncaring, but without the right the left would spend us in to oblivion with every reactionary social program that could be thought of  and would eventually lead to our collapse.

The latter is our major problem that we face today. In the last hundred years or so the left and right system has been totally eroded, save for a few hold outs and some newcomers that are marginalized and demonized as the lunatic fringe. The progressive movement has taken control of both parties pointing them both on a leftward direction. The have both turned into the spending and growing of a reactionary government that the right was designed to combat. Our system cannot stand with both parties being left, nor could they if both were right. When this left turn took place there was no longer any need for compromise, because they were both spending and growing government. The left/right system our founders designed was no longer in place. The progressives had their way for so long, that when the TEA Party stood up to challenge them both parties got mad and attacked. They have thrown a monkey wrench in their collective progressive agenda. So now that the left/right system is trying to correct itself, the progressives do not want to give. So they use their stranglehold on the media to demonize and blame the TEA Party, without looking at the other side of the coin.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Three Choices

"It is difficult to calculate the consequences of the current appearances;... a sample of this truth may be exhibited in the future establishments of America, and the system of policy that may be adopted by the busy geniuses now plodding over untrodden ground and are more engaged in the fabrication of a strong government that attentive to the ease, freedom, and equal rights of man."
                                                                                                                            Mary Warren

We are once again plowing up fresh dirt on our sacred American field. But who is it we have leading us? Do we have someone concerned for our liberty and freedom or do we have those busy geniuses' playing pied piper?  We all know the answer to that one. This fresh dirt now underfoot is nothing more than a blatant power grab encroaching on powers not given to them. These two administrations, one republican, one democrat and both progressive are buying into banks, insurance and auto makers, along with a outrageous Keynesian stimulus plan and other right stealing strategies.

The big question is are we going to stand idly by and let this fertile field be taken from us or is this to be our Concord?  We Americans have three choices. We can conform, stick our heads in the sand, or take a stand.

Most have clearly chosen the first two. Choosing that path of least resistance, but by choosing that path they have sold out their children's and grandchildren's future. They are leaving their posterity to hold the bag, and an empty bag at that.

We in the third group, who are attempting to make it better for future generations, have a tough row to hoe. The only thing we have going for us is we are right. We know we can't stand idly by and let this theft take place before our very eyes. It is not in our nature. Our parents did that to us, we cannot, must not do the same. It's past time to stand up and take our nation back. To once and for all have self-determination and self-government. We need to tell the powers that be that we are no longer going to pay for their grand plans and bunglings with our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. But we will be more than happy to expend all three in the defense of the nation they are killing.

What Can We Do?

"Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because you will lose your ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism. Confronting your fears and allowing yourself the right to be human can paradoxically make you a far happier and more productive person."
                                                                                                                Dr. David M. Burns

There are many things individuals can do to help our cause, but first and foremost they must check hope at the door. Hope does not lead to success, it leads only to more hope. Rush Limbaugh said, "hope is an excuse for doing nothing." And the conservative movement has had more than enough of nothing.

One of the most important things we can do is to find our voices. We must be unafraid to talk about our beliefs and dreams for this nation. Never be ashamed of your convictions, shout them from the rooftops. Talk to our friends, family, co-workers, and even complete strangers whenever we get the chance about how we feel about your country and the course it is on. Never be afraid to sound stupid or to get on someone's nerves, our country is in too much trouble for that. So stand up there on that soapbox and speak our minds.

We must also take advantage of letters to the editor, message boards, social media, or even starting our own blogs. Anything that can get that true conservative voice of America out there and not that watered down version our politicians espouse to try and win our votes. We can't let the progressives stranglehold on these things hinder us. A great general once said, "if your enemy has a good idea, steal it."

Now on the same note, not only do we need to use any means necessary to get our voices heard on our beliefs, we must also speak against the liberal biases and agendas that are running our country in the dirt and turning it into a third-world communist nation. If you see an editorial or show you don't like tell them about it, let your friends know and let them tell them as well, you can even write a rebuttal yourself. Let them know that if they continue with this one-sided liberal/progressive track then we will no longer buy their newspapers, magazines, or watch their programs. If we stick together, as big as the conservatives are, we can do it, because no matter what money still runs them even if they are communists. There is alternative news sources out there, utilize them.

We can't stop there though. We must organize every conservative you can and have them do the same. The progressives are way ahead of us on this, but we have one thing they don't have. Ours is truly grassroots and not from labor unions. Hit these people where it hurts, their pocket books. No matter how evil they say money is they still want it, it's only evil when it yours, not theirs. So stop buying the products they make, stop buying their music or going to their movies. If we truly believe we will sacrifice these wants for the good of our cause. Who cares if you miss the most hyped movie of the season, it probably wasn't that good anyway. There are plenty of conservative voices out there, you may have to search, but they are there. You can also organize letter and e-mail drives or phone blasts to congressmen. Let them know that you are not happy with their performance and that they need to change their ways or they will be voted out. Don't stop at just one, e-mails are nothing, snail mail is cheap and phone calls are as well, flood their offices with all of them. You don't have to be mean or hateful when you do this, it would be better if you weren't. Be tactful and respectful, but tell them the truth. You can even go as far as boycotting businesses that support the liberal/progressive politicians and their America killing agendas.

Let the whole country from the politicians to businessmen, from community organizations to tax collectors that they are nothing without us. That they serve or they thrive at our leisure. What could they do if we all refused to pay taxes? They couldn't put all of us in jail. Not only could we boycott taxes, we could shutdown the economy. Take a page out of the progressives playbook and start protesting. What would they do if every trucker in the nation stopped where they were, blocking on-ramps and freeways? (Thank you Michael Savage for the idea.) Our boss would understand, especially after the new taxes hit them square in the head, not to mention the new rules and regulations that are soon to be put in place.

All of us can do something. Use your imagination. So what if it fails, the next one might be the best idea since sliced bread. Who cares if we fail one thousand times, if we gain one success of freedom amongst all those failures. Ralph Waldo Emerson said. "do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."

The major thing is that we must not be afraid of hardship and sacrifice. We may have to give up new things and gadgets that make our lives a little easier, but what is that compared to our liberty and our country. We have had it easy for far too long, that is how we ended up here. In life things never work out completely and they always find a way to turn themselves around. So all we really have in life is our family, friends, principles, morals, values, and honor. We have a duty to all of them, they are the only thing of import in the lives that we lead. So could we look them or even ourselves in the eyes and say that we have done all we could, knowing full well we chose the easy path? Take those hardships of simple things like buying locally, if able grow a garden, can our own food, read books instead of watching TV, the list is endless. Compare these minor things to what our founder's and forefather's endured. Compare these things to the men and women that has fought and are still fighting this nations wars. Not much of a comparison is it? These small sacrifices though, can reap big rewards. So like the Sons of Liberty, let us make those sacrifices, as they did with tea, and we will come out the better for it. We will have our America back.

How To Stop The Bleeding, Start Our Own Revolution, And Fix Our Country

(NOTE: These three pieces were written right after the 2008 election, before the advent of the TEA Party. I had found them the other day and thought they were still pretty relevant. So forgive me for them being a little outdated.)

"Let us re-adopt the Declaration of Independence and with it, the practices and policy which harmonize with it. Let the North and South-- let all Americans-- let all lovers of liberty everywhere join in the great and good work. If we do this, we shall not only have saved the Union, but we shall have so saved it as to make and keep it worthy of saving. We shall have so saved it that succeeding millions of free happy people the world over shall rise up and call us blessed to the latest generation."
                                                                                                                      Abraham Lincoln

Individually the American people are as honorable and as brave as ever. They still desire to do what is right, moral, and just. We haven't lost that. What we have lost, by design, is our ability to pull together and accomplish great things. To do what is right no matter the cost for ourselves, to sacrifice for the common good of our country, her allies and her people.

Winston Churchill said, "Americans will always do the right thing, after exhausting all other options." It is time for us to do the right thing and come together, against all odds and wishes of the powers that be. I don't mean for republicans and democrats to come together and pass their beloved massive bills, that only hurts our country. I mean for the American people from all races and creeds to come together and let these people know that we are their boss. They don't want us together, because together we would throw their behinds out of our house. So they, our "leaders" led us down this road to ruin.

What we need is new leaders. If an honorable person or group was to stand, if they believed in our principles, culture, morals, and our country we would follow and they would win. We don't need nor do we want those same tired old politicians that tell us how they understand us and then go out and do the same America killing actions. We need a leader that has walked a mile in our shoes. A true conservative, who cares nothing for what is expedient, but does what is right. Who recognizes our nations enemies and vows by any means necessary to keep them from hurting our people.

Andrew Hamilton said, "a struggle for liberty is in itself respectable and glorious, when conducted with magnanimity, justice, and humanity it ought to command the admiration of every friend of human nature." This is our struggle, to regain our lost liberty and it is a honorable one.

All the high sounding words, unfulfilled plans and broken promises of the past are not the answer. We need action. Sun Tzu said, "action without planning is folly, planning without action is futile." People call these wondrous words planting seeds. Well you can plant all the seeds you want, but sooner or later someone must tend the garden. Without which all those pretty words are for not.

We must help people to be unafraid, unafraid to speak and unafraid to stand. Show them the precious things has been stolen from them, what they have surrendered, but together what we can win back. Liberty! Let them know that hardships will occur, because anything worth having must be paid for. Frederick Douglas said, "you may not get all you pay for in this life, but you sure must pay for all you get." We must remember though that most people are like children. They rant and rave about wanting something, but when they begin to see they will have to sacrifice to get there they run back to Mom and Dad. They need leadership and direction, not just words.

Don't let them fear change, most people do. Remind them freedom is not free, it is earned with hard work and sacrifice. The craziest thing I ever heard is, "better and evil you know than one you don't." If the Sons of Liberty felt as such we would still be an English colony. No, you change that evil, and somehow if evil fills that void you roll your sleeves back up and change it too.

Nor should we let our people fear it to be too hard or that the system is too big to change. Thinking that way is what has gotten us to here, and how is that working for us? No task is too great when likeminded determined people join together for the common good. When people with conviction stand together, nothing or nobody can disband. Just like the Sons of Liberty.

They will be an example, a shining light for other likeminded people to rally to our cause. Thomas Jefferson said, "may it be to the world, what I believe it will be, the signal of arousing men to burst their chains under which monkish ignorance and superstition had persuaded them to bind themselves, and to assume the blessings and security of self-government."

But where is our Thomas Jefferson, our Samuel Adams, our Abraham Lincoln, or our Ronald Reagan? Where is our Sons, and Daughters of Liberty? Our revolution is waiting, conservatives are waiting, and America is waiting for its leader. If he or she would just stand we would follow.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Such Hurtful and Hateful Rhetoric

After the shooting of Representative Gabby Gifford's(incidentally, what is this about making this lady something she is not. They want to make her a senator, and she has done nothing. Then again the gave us a president that has done nothing. Anyway I am very glad she is ok, but she is not the savior of America) of AZ the progressive news and politicians went crazy over this new found concern for happy talk, but they never seem to be concerned over their own. Just in the news the past week they have called TEA Party Patriots names like: terrorist, hostage takers, kidnappers, extremists, crazies, hobbits(which I really didn't get), and have even blamed them for the downgrade of our credit. What an awesome power they attribute to a group they also call inconsequential. Hmmmm.

These are the same folks that go crazy and call you a racist if you even question President Obama's policies or ability, but they are also the same folks that called President Bush every vile name you can think of. Still calling him a terrorist, murderer, traitor, Hitler, deserter, baby killer, and they even made a movie about killing him (they claimed it was art). That's not hateful though, that's free speech. They went completely ballistic when Rush Limbaugh said he wanted Obama to fail. Every knew what Rush Meant, he thinks the Obama policies would hurt the country. Anyway they when completely hogsnot. This from the same people who actively opposed President Bush at every turn, not only hoping he would fail, but actively tried to make it happen. They just didn't have the courage or testicular fortitude to say so. They are right though, there is plenty of hurtful and hateful rhetoric going on today. Its coming out of their own mouths.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011



All the talking heads and pundits are railing against the TEA Party blaming them for all the ills of Washington and for their hard line approach of not wanting (I say wanting, because the TEA Party caucus is very small and controls nothing. So it could never hold any bill "hostage." Also what is there to compromise about when the fate of our nation hangs by a thread and the only adult in the room saying to stop spending is the TEA Party) to compromise. Tell me, where was that concern for compromise during the health care debate when the republicans were shut out of negotiations and President Obama told them that, "elections have consequences, we won!"

FAA Jobs

The news were all up in arms about congress leaving on summer recess without fixing the FAA bill and it put 4000 FAA bureaucrats out of work. Yet they barely mentioned it when the CEO of General Electric and the Presidents friend and Jobs Czar, Jeffery Imelt moved tons of jobs from the US to China.

Washington's Idea Of Spending Cuts

When our government makes a budget it automatically assumes that they will have more money the next year, because that is the way it has always been no matter who was in power. So when they make "cuts" in spending, their fuzzy math counts taking that automatic increase as a spending cut. Yes, it sounds pretty ridiculous, but when the news carries their water they can get away with it. Just like they do when they count a tax reduction as spending. It has been said so much by their propaganda pushers that the public believes it. President Obama and the progressives know what Joseph Goebbels and the NAZI's knew that, "if you tell a large enough lie long enough, it will be believed."
Frankly the cuts proposed by both parties are insulting, without the reduction of increases. Two trillion dollars over a ten year period isn't even a good start. So for the news media and democrats to demagogue and use the scare tactics of how these anorexic, nonexistent cuts are starving kids and killing granny is ludicrous. Then the so called "conservatives" in the republican party has the audacity to propose a plan that still adds trillions to a debt.

If these people don't wake up and stop bickering which party is going to be the one to spend us into oblivion, then our nation is doomed. Smarter heads must prevail and begin real cuts in our budgets, deficits and debts. All of us, yes all of us put our nation in this hole, and it is going to take all of is to fix it. We all must make sacrifice to get our fiscal house in order, from the very bottom to the very top.

Fair Share Stats

Top 2% of Americans pay 30% of the tax burden.
Top 10% of Americans pay 78% of the tax burden.
Bottom 47-51% contribute nothing in the way of taxes.
So which one isn't paying their "fair share?"
Over half of our spending comes from entitlements like social security, Medicare, income security and health services. Another 1/5 to 1/4 is military spending and both need to be cut. They make up the bulk of our spending, and although it would be nice to cut the rest too, it would only be a drop in the bucket. Entitlement have to be cut, we have too many people on the government teat. 45.8m Americans are getting food stamps, a 22% hike since Obama took office. That is unacceptable.
From 2006-2011 our national debt has risen from 8.5 trillion dollars to well over 16 trillion dollars. It has all but doubled in a five year period. Not only is that unacceptable, it is unsustainable.
I am positive that most Americans would be more than willing to pay more in taxes if it meant that our debt would be tackled, but it won't be. Politicians only see more taxes as more money for them to spend. Instead of our presidents perverted sense of "fair share," I have a better idea. A small flat tax with no loopholes that everyone pays regardless of income level and a national sales tax. There is nothing fair in today's system when half of Americans pay nothing, yet they reap all the rewards. Lets have everyone truly pay their fair share and make it a fair system.

Stimulus! Stimulus!

The progressives and their media lapdogs are crying for more stimulus. That all we need to do to fix the economy is to spend even more money that we don't have and have to to borrow. If this truly worked we should be flush with jobs right now. With TARP, stimulus 1, stimulus 2, QE 1, QE 2, and the extension of unemployment to an unheralded 99 weeks(which according to Nancy Pelosi and President Obama is stimulus) there shouldn't be an out of work American, but somehow we are still above 9%.

Freedom of Speech

Senator John Kerry of Mass. said that the news media had a responsibility not to cover the TEA party, because he thinks they are wrong. Has he ever heard of the first amendment? And this mans makes this nations laws and was the democratic candidate for president in 2004.
The reason he wants this is that he and his parties ideas and policies can't hold up against the truth of the TEA party. So instead of trying to defeat them in the arena of political debate, an arena in which their party controls 80% of the news media(only FOX, a couple of newspapers, and talk radio is conservative), they want to shut them up. If he and his like had their way it wouldn't stop at just censorship, those crazies idea of FEMA camps just may come to fruition.


Every speech President Obama gives is a stump speech, with that preacher tone and too much reverb. Still using the "evil" George Bush as the boogeyman, as well as the hope and change platform (which has turned into the American people hoping to have some change in their pockets.). He is on a continuous campaign trail. At this point in his presidency George Bush had 7 fundraisers, Barrack Obama has 36, and with his Midwest swing will soon pass 40 in the same time frame. But how else would he build his war chest to a record breaking billion dollars so hey can buy support? This is the same man that says we need campaign finance reform as Senator Obama, but as President Obama those words are conspicuously gone from his rhetoric (he only wanted for the republican donors anyway.). Then again Senator Obama's views are often at odds with President Obama's views.

Social Security Money

People complain constantly when anyone talks of cutting this sacred cow and others like it, and blame it all on those evil TEA Party folks. Yet President Obama gets praise for taking the very money that funds these programs out of the system with the payroll tax holiday. That is money we are suppose top pay into this system to fund it, so when it is not there our country must borrow it.

Gov. Rick Perry

The Response, the day of prayer and fasting he attended and that got the progressives panties in a wad is why we like him. He is unapologetic about what he is. Besides, their argument is completely wrong. The first amendment gives you freedom of religion, not from it. Gov Perry was making you go to this service. If you don't like it, don't watch or don't go. Your attitude of not wanting it is the very dictatorial powers you say you are against. Plus it is patently ridiculous to use the invalid argument of Separation of Church and State. Our nation was built on Christian principles, that don't mean you have to be a Christian, but to deny its founding and the fact that our founder's prayed daily as the formed this nation and spoke of God ardently in its defense is just historically false. You progressive keep on "interpreting" and already interpreted document into something you want it to say, but don't. This was the reason the TEA Party was born, your actions are killing our country and its moral fiber.

Demanding Their Seat At The Table

Why is it when anyone has some sort of protest or rally they are praised and lauded by the news media, except for the TEA Party. The politically correct media praises teachers, labor unions, communists, gays, blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, and any other minority or interest group you can think of for demanding their seat at the table. Yet when the TEA Party does the same they are called terrorists, extremists, hostage takers, kidnappers and idiots. They are demeaned by every talking head that blames them for all the ills of this nation(funny this nations sickness has been with us long before the TEA Party was here.), but as all of us know, the TEA Party just may be this country's antibiotic.


Standards and Poor's downgraded our nations credit rating Friday. The talking heads and even some people at S and P are blaming the bickering. Please, don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. We were warned long ago that if we don't get our spending under control this would happen and that lame excuse for a deal does nothing to do that. Yet this is now an all out assault against the TEA Party to get rid of them. Sadly it is coming from the "check pants republicans" as well, who made a deal with the devil(or in this case President Obama and the democrats) to rid themselves of a thorn in their side. Just look at our history, are we really a good credit risk? Would you loan us money? Say all you want that the TEA Party and bickering caused this, but true thinking people know better. Sadly though most Americans don't think, they let the progressives think for them.

Central Falls, RI

This is a microcosm of our nations fiscal problems as a whole. The politicians gave away and promised too much to their constituents and didn't have the finances to back it up. Their unfunded liabilities made them fall, and can and will do the same to America. The politicians, nor the people want to make the hard choices that are needed to fix our problems. Yet if they don't those choices will be made for them and they won't be to their liking. Isn't it better to give up a little now to save some for later? Or are you going to be greedy and take all now and have nothing later?
We all know the answer to that. The politicians will keep on promising and spending to buy your vote (with your own money I might add) and we will keep on taking until there is nothing left, not even America. The only voice of reason in this is the TEA Party and they are being attacked on all fronts.